Declan frowned, his gaze returning to meet Harvey's, "Do you guys have another roommate I don't know about?"

"No." He fixed on a smile that Declan knew was fake, "This is...uh...I wanna say Paige...?"

"It's Mel." The girl replied dryly, "Paige? Really?" She snorted, "That's not even close."

"Sorry." Harvey grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck, "Breakfast... Right...uh..." He opened the fridge, and stared scanning the shelves desperately.

Declan glanced up at the clock, and his eyes widened in horror, "Oh, shit." He hissed, "I'm gonna be so late." He darted out of the kitchen, and fumbled into the living room in search of his shoes.

"Wait, you can't leave yet!" Harvey exclaimed, chasing after him, "Seb will be back any minute-"

"I've got work." Declan told him apologetically, "Tell Sebastian I'm sorry."

"He's gonna be pissed at me for letting you leave. He's already pissed at me for coming home drunk-" He paused abruptly, panic flashing in his eyes, "I's not..."

"I know he's sober." Declan sighed, "You don't have to cover for him."

Harvey's expression settled into one of relief, and he nodded in acknowledgement, "Just... Just stay another five minutes. Please."

Declan shook his head, "I really can't." He said, "Besides, Sebastian's not gonna care. I'm just a hookup, right?"

Harvey scoffed, "A hookup who's got him running around like a lost puppy."

Declan clenched his jaw, trying to snuff out the flicker of hope that flared up inside of him. He had to remind himself that Sebastian only wanted him for sex. He didn't want him for anything else, he couldn't. No one could. And no one ever did.

"Will you just give him a call then?" Harvey requested frustratedly, "Let him know that you didn't just...abandon him." He pleaded.

Declan hesitated as he pulled on his trainers, "Why?" He pressed, "Has he got abandonment issues or something?"

Harvey didn't respond. Declan had his answer.

"Well, I can't anyway." Declan sighed, "My phone's fucked. Once it's fixed, I will."

"God, you are not making this easy." Harvey groaned.

Declan grabbed his skateboard, and pulled open the front door, "Just tell him I'm sorry." He said, then slipped out of the flat, and let the door slam shut behind him.

By the time he arrived at work, he was almost thirty minutes late.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Evan demanded once Declan had slipped behind the counter beside him, frantically scanning the diner for any sign of his boss.

"Slept through my alarm." Declan muttered, ripping an apron off one of the hooks nailed to the wall, and quickly tying it around his waist.

"Winnie's gonna kill you." Evan told him as he distractedly grabbed a can of lemonade from the fridge, and started filling a glass with ice. "You're already on your last strike with all the hours you've missed this month."

"I know." Declan sighed, "But we're understaffed - she can't afford to fire me."

Evan turned to face him, his brows pulling into a frown, "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?"

"Fuck. I forgot." Declan groaned, "I didn't sleep at home last night."

Evan scoffed, "Okay, well, once we're clear of the morning rush, you're gonna tell me all about whoever you fucked last night." He grinned, "But you gotta change first. I think Tina left a shirt here yesterday that you can wear. Check the staff room."

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