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Chapter One-Seventeen

Vibe: World on Fire by Klergy

As Arthur tried his best to ward off the advances alone with the two iron pipes, Henry ran over to George—grabbing their tiny frame before they could retaliate. George screamed, using their strength magic as they pushed Henry off.

"You heard her," Henry begged George as he tried again to pull them away from the blonde haired boy, "He's not in there, sib."

Alice had almost completely fallen under the trance as the two struggled; George's emotional state giving Henry openings as he pushed them further and further back until George violently lashed out in retaliation.

Picking up the bloody sword that had fallen from her grasp, Alice winced—her heart heavy even under the spell as she watched the desperation in George's eyes. More importantly, however, she felt John pulling the threads from her hold—trying to awaken the mages with his own spells.

Stumbling, she raised the sword over her head—"Fuck." Dropping the heavy sword to the ground accidentally, Alice turned to John with furrowed brows. The staff was losing its hold on her again as John slowly peeled the power away by taking control of the mages.

With a smirk on his reddened face, he knowingly tried to take Alfie under his control as well. Alice watched as Alfie's hands twitched outwards—towards George.

It was like a mental tug of war—Alfie's and the other mages' energy being pulled back and forth. Both John and Alice grasping the sharp threads as they both took damage.

Alice's eyes widened suddenly as she looked out towards the river—the riverbed vacant of people, "Arthur, watch my back." She managed to spit out as her head spun painfully as she pushed back against John. "Daisy escaped. John's controlling a couple of the mages—tell the others to be careful around them."

Fight back against the mages controlled by John; counteract all their spells and pin down Daisy, Alice shamelessly ordered the vessels under her control before picking up the sword to kill them one after the other again.

"George! Let go of him!" Henry begged once again, refusing to release the adamant individual. "Don't you see that Alfie and the others are making her do this?" His voice practically squeaked with desperation as he took blow after blow from their enchanted fists, "He needs to rest, Georgie—let your brother be in peace." He coughed out, wincing with each out of control hit from his friend. Yet, he refused to let George go—refused to stop doing all he could to protect them.

Alice swore again before she could hit her target as she watched the lifeless bodies on the sandy ground twitch with life again—their limbs pulling them up to their feet in seconds. "John is cutting ties!" She backed away just in time as the heavy sword fell from her grip, watching their eyes fill with hatred she knew so well.

Screams sounded out behind her—her eyes barely sparing a glance as she already knew John was relinquishing bonds with more and more mages.

And they were all heading towards her.



Oh god. I hate zombies/corpses. When I go back and write the edited version of this book, this is gonna get hella gross and descriptive and I already hate it.

Sorry for my weird schedule, I have family from out of town over and have been busy busy busy. Thanks for your patience and for reading! ❤️

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