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🥳✨ Chapter One Hundred ✨🥳

Vibe: Hell-On by Neko Case

The test was as stated: drink the chalice of atonement and cross the River of the Twelve. If you made it, you were given the golden liquid of redemption—freeing you from all past sins and chains. However there was a twist: it was a race with no rules but for one...

You had to make it across the river before your selected racing partner.

Alice felt her stomach churn. How much more crueler could something be? It wasn't enough to save a life only to hand it over to Death—they also had to make that same life (already owned by Death) a monster for the silly hope of a life... only to inevitably die once at the river of Death itself. It was all but a scam. A scheme to corrupt, not purify. Perhaps that was their goal—to please their gods by a show of murderous bloodlust.

Through the mages using their magic and Geoffrey's order, Alice and the others were situated into a line, facing the altar. With no one able to hide anymore, Alice looked beside her to George; hoping to find some sort of answer on their face. The only remaining hope seemed to be the fact that Henry and Arthur were still hiding iron pipes up their sleeves—but for what good that did in this sort of situation, she had yet to figure out.

As Alice turned to George, George's face was just hard—anger seeping out every oriface. There was no answer. Their dark eyes caught Alice's, "If it comes down to it, blondie... you and I are having a rematch." they spoke bluntly, "So you better think of something quick."

Swearing under her breath, Alice turned to look at Nathan on her other side. How in the hell were they supposed to get out of this? They couldn't move even one step unless the mages moved them like puppets on strings. And even if they did, one single misstep would cause a stricter leash. They had to get that staff... but how?

Swearing under her breath, Alice wanted to scream. Instead she cleared her throat, looking at John who was preaching to them about righteousness and redemption.

"I want to go first."



Who would you race if you were there?

Thanks for reading! And can you believe we made it to 100 chapters!? How exciting is that?? Thanks so much for your support. I couldn't have done it without you—knowing someone out there is interested in where this story goes, really keeps me going with it. I hope you're enjoying it x

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