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Chapter Fourteen

Vibe: Body Round by Glaceo & Adgy

Prince Narcisse's coronation in becoming the crowned prince was one that showed great power and triumph. A celebration that swept through the Audovera kingdom with excitement and joy.

Alice herself almost laughed at the show, too—because after all, between the two of them, she was the one with more power. Despite how safe and cushy Narcisse may have felt, a coronation still didn't protect him from noblemen's favouritism, rebellions, or even outright betrayal. Crowned princes could be switched anytime, in fact, the survival rate for a crowned prince was much lower than for a normal prince.

And Alice was sure to remind him of that with every wary glance he spared her. She wondered if this was how he had felt dominating her in her last life.

She almost couldn't blame him—it was delicious.

Of course, she did still blame him and he would still die by her hands. And it would be a very bloody death.

"What a wicked look in your eye." A voice pulled her out of the gory imagination, "You already planning a rebellion? It hasn't even been a day." They nervously joked.

She kept her eyes on the prince, his smile feigning something brilliant and promising as his dark eyes glittered and his hair seemed to shimmer against the gold crown adorning his head. Shaking her head she let out a humourless laugh, "Why would I rebel against my future husband?"

The stranger spat out a surprised laugh, "Oh, you're one of those girls."

Finally shaking out of the spell she'd been under watching the prince, she turned towards the voice with her eyebrows furled together in annoyance. And then everything came to a stand still.

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move.

The necklace of hands around her throat instantly tightened—strangling her. Ruby red eyes met hers as she stopped everything, her mouth gaping open in disbelief. Terror jolted down her body as the image of her death flashed before her in nonstop waves that made her knees too weak to hold her up. As she stumbled down to the ground, tears fell blindly as Godric's rage filled eyes pierced into hers.

Why now? Why when Narcisse was right there—someone who used weaknesses like a game.

Even in a sea of people, the crowd threatening to engulf her, Alice couldn't stop seeing his face—the angry, hate filled, murderous face. And she couldn't stop hearing her pathetic last words that she regretted with her entire being.

Anybody but you.
Anybody but you.
Anybody but you.

The words taunted her—mocking her as they repeated like a broken record inside of her head.

Clutching onto her knees, she buried her face as the sobs shook her body—all the heartache she'd been covering with anger and hate ripping out of her like something had broken inside of her.

Why was it you, Godric?

If could have been anybody... but why you?



My heart... poor Alice. I'm sorry :(

Thank you for reading, I hope your heart is okay

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