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Chapter Eight

Vibe: Siren by Kailee Morgue

"Is it too late..." to capture you? She asked the young man, mentally chastising herself as she took in his tall, lean frame towering over her.

How could she have ever mistaken Godric's bulky frame for him? Especially at this age. Godric only stretched out when he turned 17, becoming nearly identical to Narcisse except for the extra muscle from all the labour. Of course, she only recalled this now thanks to her failing memory.

Narcisse watched her with a sinister smile on his thin lips; his superiority complex clearly getting a kick out of how tiny she appeared to his lumbering height.

Alice tapped the ground beside her, "come sit with me."

His lips twitched up again. Besides for his love of bloodshed, Narcisse enjoyed trying to figure things out—like figuring out how things ticked. It was a cruel game he loved to play with his toys. And poor little Alice was often the subject under his bloody knife.

Sitting with no cares of her status or reputation while sporting tear smudged eyes and a condescending laugh directed at herself, Alice was practically a hand wrapped gift meant just for him from god himself.

Humming, he settled for leaning against the railing.

Barely refraining from rolling her eyes at the clear position of power he was showing off, she stood up. Brushing herself off and adjusting the dress, she turned to him. It wasn't exactly the power move she'd planned for, but as long as she captured the prince, it didn't matter what method she used.

All she had to do, was take the power back.

"So you're the future crowned prince I've heard so much about." She spoke with honey dripping off her tongue. Her shimmering blue eyes almost cruel as she watched him falter.

No one was supposed to know his identity. Not yet. Not until he was protected and sworn in. His and his mother's life depended on it.

His dark bulging eyes seemed to glow with fear. She had never seen such a sickly look on his face before—she quite enjoyed it. She wondered just how pale he could get before passing out. He stepped backwards shakily, grabbing the dagger he had hidden at his side—pointing it at her.

It was laughable how much his hand trembled as he finally spoke, "Who are you—"

She interrupt him, stepping closer until the knife grazed her neck. The bite of the weapon sliced into her skin as she leaned in further—his hand pulling back as if unsure what to do in such situation; surely he couldn't kill someone until they gave up their source, right?

"Who are you?" He asked again, his breath stuck in his throat as his eyes stared into the blue of her wicked eyes.

Her blood ran down her dress, staining the blue flowers black as the red soaked in. Only inches left between them, she smiled up at his tall height, finally answering his question

"Your future princess, your highness."


Gottdam. Alice you're a scary witch and I adore you. "Your future princess, your highness" S T O P. That POWER.

Thank you for reading! I hope you're as impressed as I am with this.

Unfortunately, our gal ain't ready for Godric, so there's not much to judge him off of (except *ahem* him literally murdering her??) but what are your thoughts on our horribly horribly toxic men thus far? I started off with one opinion and ended up confused in the later chapters if I'm being honest here. This book hurts my soul in such a great way *sigh*

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