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Chapter Ninety-Four

Vibe: Deranged for Rock and Roll by Chelsea Wolfe

With her heart beating irregularly, it felt like ages to Alice as the carriage came to a stop. Everyone held their breath—the unknown seemingly moments away from being revealed.

The only thing they could do was wait.

The horses that had been pulling the carriage were restless—the clacking of their hoofs on the hard ground sounding out as they whined with unease. The carriage creaked as someone hopped off—Alice's ears straining as she tried to paint a picture in her mind of what was going on.

"...late." A voice muttered annoyedly, the beginning of the sentence too mumbly to make out.

Another person stepped off the front of the carriage, the carriage giving a small jostle from the slight weight change. Alice chewed at her bottom lip anxiously.

"...get it done." The person speaking walked closer to the back of the carriage. "I told the woman I'd get back before dark."

The deep, smoky voice from before responded, "We can't go off book, Geoffrey. Follow what has been written by the scribes."

The second guy exhaled loudly—impatiently, "The tasks are few." He spoke with vigour before continuing, "The vessels have all been chosen and all that needs preparation is the blood." His voice seemed to be coming just outside the dark covering; Alice trying to see passed the material hanging against the cage and the waterproof tarp covering the carriage while she pressed her face against the cool bars.

"None of this is done without thought—we must use the book passage." The older sounding man repeated, agitation beginning to sharpen his words. "The deterioration will quicken if we don't perform the ritual correctly."

Alice swallowed back the sudden thickness of fear in her throat—the men's words too vague to completely make out.

"Do you think this is my first time, John?" Geoffrey's voice came from just outside the carriage as the weight once again changed, "Start the ritual, i'll Ready the vessels." At that, a ruffle of material sounded out as Geoffrey peeled back the light weighted curtain door on the back of the carriage.

Through the material covering the cage, Alice could make out Geoffrey's intimidatingly wide silhouette amidst the darkness of the forest behind him as he rolled and clicked the curtain in place. He was only inches away from the cage as he abruptly reached over and grasped the off-white sheet over the cage; pulling it off with the flick of his arm. There was a still, breathless moment as the sheet fluttered between them—everyone in the cage seeming to fall into a deathly quiet stance. And then the sheet fell to the ground, revealing the unknown.



Sorry for the late update (I'll post a bunch of chapters lol)! My baby sister is doing all her grad things and it's an emotional time. She's the youngest of all us siblings and she's almost all grown *cry*

Happy graduation to all those who might be graduating this year! Or just happy end of the school year if you're starting your summer vacay soon! You guys got so much life ahead of you and a whole life to do everything that you love. I wish y'all the best and hope you get all the opportunities to enjoy your life to the fullest ❤️

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