Episode 50 - one final push

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With the ships flying over them, a sense of dread washed over the cast.

Alan: this is way too much for us to handle, right?

Six: we need reinforcements.

Kevin: no kidding.

Gwen and Noah ran down into the crater that way big made when he fell, finding ben was knocked out, however as they tried to get him up, DNAliens started to rush into the crater with them.

Gwen: don't suppose you have an easy way out of this for us?

Ben: I've got an idea. Omnitrix, cure the DNAliens.

Omnitrix: this action will draw on all available power,

Ben: just do it.

The omnitrix then shot out a green beam as it started curing DNAliens, with the group watching and blocking more from coming in, cooper was watching very closely, and saw that ben was already tiered out after curing just a few dozen.

Gwen: you can't keep doing this.

Ben: I have to, these people don't deserve to keep being infected.

Cooper: I think I might be able to help.

Gwen: how?

Cooper got into the casam, using glitch to keep himself stable as he landed on his face.

Cooper: I can make a machine to do all the curing for you, but I'll need some time.

Ben: and we need to shut this gate down.

Gwen: I think I see the control tower, think you can XLR8 us over there?

Ben: not with this many DNAliens around. You'd both get way to hurt.

That's when they spot something above them and a loudspeaker came online.

White: guess who's here, and there's more coming. Just look.

They spotted as a few plumber's ships made it through the cloaking field, with some plumbers dropping to the ground, including lucy, rex, Charmcaster and Camille. They ran over to their respective teammates, and lucy saw ben tired out from the mass curing of DNAliens. Lucy was wearing a white suit, not to dissimilar from the plumbers' normal suites, but this one was specially designed to stop her from drying out, while still letting her fling mud, and Camille was wearing much the same.

Gwen: about time you guys got here.

Charmcaster: it was hard to convince them guys were real

Lucy: but we're here, so what's the plan?

Ben: we have to head to the control tower.

Lucy: and when we get there?

Ben: we let grey matter do his thing.

Charmcaster: grey matter?

Ben: I guess you never got to see him, he's basically azmuth, but younger and stronger. Probably.

Meanwhile up outside of the creator.

Circe: good to see your back.

Rex: and that's not all I'm bringing, watch.

They saw him bring in a new build, a giant generator on his back with a whip on one of his hands.

Kevin: impressive.

Rex: now then, where are the DNAliens?

As he got ready to attack some of them, he watched as they were shot with a laser, cutting them instantly.

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