Episode 6 -making magical frenemies.

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The alien force where mid battle and ben timed out from swamp fire, managing to dodge out of the way of hex, who shot some kind of fire blast at him.

Gwen: all on your own this time?

Hex: Charmcaster doesn't have the skills to fight alongside me. I've tried going it with her, but she isn't good enough to get the recognition of taking you two out.

Noah shot out a laser at hex who turns around frustrated.

Noah: I'm here too your magical freak.

Glitch: calling him a freak, may not be the best idea.

Ben's omnitrix timed in and he activated the omnitrix and he slapped down on it, coming out the other side as a giant brown checking alien, with it waring some kind of stretchy blue material and his on his chest rested his grey and while omnitrix, resting on a strap that welt around his shoulders and around his chest and back.

Gwen: you picked kickin hawk?

Ben: seemed like a good pick for a one on one.

Noah: we're going up against magic. You should've gone chromastone.

Ben: not much I can do about it now.

Hex: I'm still here you know.

Ben: wait your turn.

Hex shoots off a blast at ben who manages to get into the air, kicking hex while in the air and catching the punch he tried to hit ben. Ben dragged him to the ground, and he gave her a good hit, sending him flying back. Noah managed to use glitch to blast hex, while Gwen couldn't find a good moment to get a hit in. just like the DNAliens they managed to find lingering in the sewers, or when they fought against the polar twins, or when they fought against zombozo and his circus freaks.

Ben: one last kick should do it.

Noah nodded as he grabbed a hold of hex and threw him at ben who gave him a kick and being frustrated with not being able to defeat the newly named alien force, he flies away as Gwen looks disappointed, ben and Noah notice.

Ben: are you ok?

Gwen: it just feels like with you having your new aliens and Noah practically adopting glitch, I guess I've been feeling left out in all of these fights. I'm just the shield girl, if you know what I mean.

Ben: don't act like that Gwen. I mean sure, you're not grate in the field, but you're the brains of the team. Especially since this thing never wants to give me brainstorm.

Gwen: thanks...

She walks off back home and ben times out.

Ben: was it something I said?

As Gwen walked through the dimly lit streets, she grabbed something out of her purse, a small rock with a run-on It. She grasped onto it tight, and she held her hand out, she tried lifting the trashcan she was facing but it only lifted off the round for a moment.

Voice: you're doing it wrong.

She turned around to see Charmcaster behind her. However, Charmcaster had changed since Gwen had last seen her a few years ago. Her grey hair had grown out into a long ponytail. She was still wearing her black shirt, but it was hidden away under her purple coat and magenta bodysuit that ended with magenta boots. Around her waist was a magic charm bag which had a button and an x for eyes and a zip lock mouth.

Gwen: Charmcaster, what are you doing here?

She created her shields again and Charmcaster walked over to her. She stuck her hand out and Gwen was confused.

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