Episode 29 - back in black.

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As the providence ship landed, they were met by some providence agents. One of which was Kenwyne.

Kenwyn: welcome back to the new providence.

She let out a sigh as she spoke, rex noticing but not saying anything on it as black knight walked out and onto the landing strip.

Black knight: it's so good to see you.

Rex built his B.F.S but black just did the same, blocking his sword with hers.

Black: did you forget that my builds are stronger?

Rex growled as Dr holiday walked forward with Beverly trying to remember how to walk on her own two legs after being an Evo for the past six years.

Black: well, if it isn't the former Evo of the hour.

Beverly: this is providence?

DR holiday: just let me do some checkups on her before we talk about anything.

Black: that's fair, there's no need to drag a fair young girl like Beverly into this.

She moved to the side as they walked inside, and Kevin switched to bashmouth to try and smell out any traps that may be in there way.

Kevin: I can't smell anything suspicious.

Six: then we should be fine.

As they made their way into the medical bay, Kevin made sure to keep his eye on his phone. And Circe noticed.

Circe: now isn't the time to be on your phone.

Kevin: I've got ben's team looking for white while we're trying to sort everything out here.

Circe: smart thinking, but you head black, he went missing.

Kevin: a few hours ago, they have a better chance of finding him purely because of Wildmutt.

They walked into the medical center where Circe broke off to go and get some cloths for Beverly although as she walked into her room, she found that it had been mostly emptied, except for the clothes that were lying on her bed. She took them back to the medical bay where Beverly was able to finally get something on that wasn't a lab coat.

Circe: theses should be about your size.

Beverly: thank you. I don't know what's going on, the last thing I remember was that sharp pain and then... nothing.

Rex: that's normal for an Evo after being cured.

DR holiday: the world has changed so much since you became an Evo. Not only have those Evos from the news become a bigger part of the world, but aliens also now live on earth.

Beverly: aliens?

Kevin: I'm 11 of them.

Beverly: wait that dog thing you turned into wasn't an Evo?

Kevin: nope, that was one of my aliens.

He rapidly switched between his aliens to show off while Circe rolled her eyes and she walked over to six.

Circe: they emptied my room; I'd check yours when you get the chance.

Six: noted.

Dr holiday: I just need to run some tests before Kevin here runs you to a safe location.

Kevin: you sure she could survive a trip with rush?

Dr holiday: we don't have any other choice.

Beverly: I feel fine, even better then fine. I feel great, like I've just woken up from a great nap.

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