Episode 45 - a man on the inside.

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With just a week to go before the big war, we find a man driving a truck, sweating and barely able to keep the truck on the road, never mind just driving in a straight line.

Man: your name is Tyler, you're 22 and... and...

He started to focus to much on remembering and he found himself driving off of the road. Crashing into a rock in the desert, managing to destroy the truck, sending it into a cavern, just barely making it out of the truck as he passed out on the side of the road. When he woke up, he found himself inside of a police base, put behind bars.

Tyler: what am I doing in here? Where is here?

Police officer: calm down son, we just brought you in for safe keeping.

Tyler: you need to let me go; aliens are after me. They've done something to me.

Police officer: are you sure it wasn't some kind of Evo that did something to you.

Tyler: what's an Evo?

Police officer: look, we just want to know where you're hiding it.

Tyler: what?

Police officer: where are you hiding the key son. Tell us that and you're free to go.

Tyler: I don't know what you're talking about, get away from me.

As the police officer tried to grab onto him, he managed to back hand the police officer, finding that it was one of the aliens that had taken him.

Tyler: you're one of them.

DNAlien: last chance Tyler, where is the key?

Tyler managed to run away from the police station and just as the DNAliens managed to catch up, a black car with purple accents and green lights managed to catch up to Tyler. He found 5 teenagers siting in it, and he watched as its shape changed to get another seat.

Ben: get in.

Tyler jumped into the back of the car where he found himself being introduced to everybody.

Ben: I'm ben, these two are my cousins Gwen and lucy, and back there is Charmcaster and Noah.

Tyler: what are a bunch of teenagers doing here?

Ben: long story short, we've been fighting these guys for a while.

Lucy: I managed to pick up on a destress signal on my plumber's badge.

Charmcaster: I'm going to give us some cover.

Charmcaster raised her arms forward and Tyler watched as they started to glow pink. He watched as after she spoke something that he didn't understand, a thick fog was created around them.

Tyler: what's going on?

Ben: we think you've got something that those DNAliens want.

Gwen: any idea what that can be?

Tyler: I don't know, my memory's all messed up right now.

Noah: they must have gotten some stronger tech.

Ben: there gearing up for this war, and right now, everybody else is way too preoccupied to help us.

Tyler: they were talking about a key. I don't think I crashed too far from here.

Glitch: I have managed to lock onto a strong signal.

Tyler: you're car talks?

Glitch: I can do more than just talk.

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