Episode 4 - what's with the weather?

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We start with a shot of someone running. Their body faintly glowing as they push through the many plants in the corn field. His hands heating up the corn that he touched as he tried to push by it. some of the popcorn popping. As he managed to come into a clearing, we can see that he looks like Heatblast, but his voice wasn't the same. He looked up to see snow start to fall from the sky and after hearing some shouting he gets back on the road. As he keeps on running, he's eventually surrounded and as he loses focus on keeping himself in pyronite form, he returns to human.

Alan: I'm telling you; those fires weren't caused by me. It was that robot lady.

Sheriff Mason: robots aren't real you Evo freak.

Alan: I'm not an Evo. I promise.

Sheriff Mason: we'll see about that. You're coming with us son. We'll be holding onto you until providence can get a fireproof ship out to get you.

Cut to the four of ben, Gwen, Noah and Julie in glitch, modifying himself to be able to fit all four of them.

Noah: I still don't see why we had to go so far away from Bellwood.

Ben: I've never seen used some of these aliens before. Chroma stone managed to cut down that water tower like it was nothing, and brainstorm's lightning electrified the water in the tower for a while.

Julie: well, it beat doing nothing for the night, since the tennis court has been booked out all week.

Noah: I told you, we could always practice at my place.

Julie: no offence Noah, but tennis and table tennis aren't the same thing. I thought you'd get that.

Gwen: so how long until we get back to Bellwood?

Glitch: approximately 2 hours.

Something starts ringing from Noah's pocket.

Noah: it's probably from Clair.

He pulled out his phone, but it wasn't the thing buzzing, it was his red plumber's badge. He pulled it out and it showed a map.

Julie: what is that?

Gwen: it's his plumber's badge. What's it showing?

Ben: maybe it's showing us a plumber in trouble.

Glitch: place it in the cup holder.

Noah did so and watched as it was swallowed by glitch.

Noah: what just happened to my badge?

Glitch: I am introducing it to my systems. And I am changing its registered owner as it is still labeled as belonging to Magister Labrid. You did let the plumbers know about his...

Ben: we told them, but they still don't believe this is a problem they should be bringing in the whole military for.

Julie: I know I'm not there for every adventure, but I feel like I've missed something big.

Ben: I'll explain it on the way. How long until we can get there?

Glitch: approximately 20 minutes.

Noah: then step on it.

Glitch continues driving at the same speed and we then cut back to Alan who's locked in a massive chiller.

Alan: if you're going to lock me in a giant freezer, can I at least get a coat or something?

Sheriff Mason: you're not going anywhere until you either tell us who you're working with, or providence gets here.

Alan: I already told you, I'm not an Evo. And I don't know who that robot lady is. You have to believe me.

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