Episode 30 - Animo's evolved.

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We start in a hidden underground lab.

DR animo: it may have taken a few weeks, but I've finally got a mutant army, ready to destroy that Tennyson boy.

He lets out a menacing laugh as we cut to ben in his room, feeling a chill crawl up his back.

Ben: why don't I feel safe?

He changed into big chill, and he flew out of his room as Sandra walked into his room.

Sandra: not again.

As ben flew through the city, he would soon find that everything was seemingly fine. That was until he landed and saw something in the alleyway, covered in shadows.

Ben: who's there.

He got ready to freeze whoever was hiding out in the alleyway, instead he found that something jumped out at him. Something that was 1/3rd cat, dog and rabbit.

Ben: the cadobbit? What are you doing here?

Ben turned back to normal as he timed out and he called up the team. Upon meeting up with them inside of Gwen's house, the group looked at it, stunned.

Noah: what did you say this thing is called?

Ben: I called it the cadobbit. Although that was like 6 years ago.

Gwen: I thought we left that thing with those rabbits.

Ben: we did, even weirder is that I wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for some weird feeling I got.

Lucy: so, this isn't a normal earth animal?

Ben: it's like a mixture of cat, dog and rabbit. It was made by doctor animo, I used my upgraded greymatter to defeat it last time.

Gwen: do you think this means that DR animo is back?

Ben: we haven't heard from him in ages.

Lucy: yeah, but didn't he help to break out van Kleiss?

Charmcaster: ok, so we've gotten ourselves introduced to this thing, why did you call us?

Ben: because if this cadobbit is here, then something is wrong.

Noah: so, what do you want us to do about it?

Ben: I don't know.

Suddenly the ground started shaking as something burst out from the ground. From it they watched a variety of alien hybrids coming out of the ground. A Vulpimancer that was set ablaze with the powers of pyronite, a lepidopteran with the electrical powers of a nosedeenian, an arachnachip with the powers of a methenosian. And finally, was a Appoplexian with the powers of a Biot-savartian.

Lucy: the plumber is on the way.

DR animo: I know your around here Tennyson.

The group of 5 left as Dr animo laughed.

Ben: where did you get this alien DNA from?

DR animo: let's say that a knight in shining armor came to my rescue.

Gwen: black knight.

Dr animo: so, you're already acquainted with her. Then you'll recognize the collars.

Noah: more of these things?

Gwen: she might be mass producing them now that she's got control of providence.

Ben: what do you want?

DR animo: I won't hurt any of your friends, if you take on my creatures alone.

Charmcaster: he could take all of these guys on easily with gravattack.

Ben: I'll take them on.

However, from the window, the cadobbit saw DR animo and he started to get aggressive.

Gwen: I've got it, you guys just stay here and make sure that ben doesn't get hut to bad.

Lucy: like charmy said, he's got this.

Charmcaster: don't call me charmy.

Ben: all right let's see how your aliens like my gravattack.

Ben activated the omnitrix and he tried to change into gravattack, instead ending up as ripjaws.

Ben: can't this thing ever give me what I want?

He ran forward and he started biting as Gwen finally made it into her room where she found that the cadobbit had started attacking her room.

Gwen: I just got all of the mud out of here.

While she was trying to contain him, ben changed to big chill and he managed to freeze most of them in ice, although the flaming Vulpimancer remained.

Dr animo: you had better beat him you mutt.

Ben: all right, I hope this works, give me gravattack.

However, as he changed, he found himself ending up as swampfire.

Ben: so, we're fighting fire with fire? This had better work.

He started fighting as the cadobbit broke out through the glass landing and taking a giant bite out of Animo's suit.

Animo: I thought you were long gone.

Ben: so, did we. But I guess he brought himself back to Bellwood.

Animo: this isn't over Tennyson.

He tries to attack as a plumber emerges from the ship.

Ben: bout time you guys got here.

Plumber: we may have been busy getting everything ready for mutant aliens.

Ben: he's all your boys.

The plumber sighed as he took animo and nets came down for all of the mutant aliens, although the cadobbit was left behind.

Ben: now, we've got to take this guy home.

Noah: glitch and I will do that.

He grabs onto the cadobbit, flying away as the group looked at the street.

Gwen: how do you think we'll explain this one to my parents?

Charmcaster: I don't know and it's not my problem. I'm getting some food.

Ben: and Julie just called, so...

Lucy: and I don't have an excuse. Bye.

They all ran off in separate directions as Gwen just sighed. 

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