Episode 47 - in the end game.

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We start with the cast returning to the plant, finding that black knight and the black pawns had already arrived. As they were running inside, they found that black knight had three of the meta nanites, as well as Tucc and Skwydd in mind control collars, although they were cuffed and clearly just thrown to the ground.

Black: take another step and its bye bye for Squid.

The group stopped as Kevin tried to change from human to bashmouth, although after slapping down on the watch, he found that he was still human. Circe tried screeching, six tried his Magna blades and DR holiday tried her blaster, and so did Bobo but none of them where working.

Black: did I forget to mention that those solar twins managed to make a mini tech disrupter. Would you believe this little box can stop all technology, including nanites? Although, I do wonder, where is rex?

Six: where's white?

Black: he managed to grab one and run away, it's a shame but I know him. He'll bring them to me soon enough. Now then where we?

Gwen tried to shoot out a mana blast, but she found that she couldn't do anything with her powers, neither could Charmcaster.

Black: I wasn't expecting that to work, but it looks like it can even affect your alien powers.

Gwen: sometimes I hate how our powers don't work well with tech.

Charmcaster: I'm not going to just stand here.

Dr holiday: she will actually go through and kill them.

Charmcaster: one life for many.

Bobo: if it was anybody else, I'd agree with you, but this time, I can't.

Black: now you don't seem like the hero type. Why not come and work for the right side?

Charmcaster: been there, done that. It's too much effort for such little pay off.

Lucy managed to throw some of her mud, although it was cut off by the extending gauntlet of van kiss who stepped out of the shadows.

Noah: how are you holding out glitch?

He gets no response, and he looks over at black knight.

Noah: you won't get away with this.

Black: I'm counting on it.

Black pawns managed to come in, and despite the team's best efforts they were overwhelmed by the new ice blasters that the black pawns had, freezing the ground, although Noah was able to just be cold inside of glitch.

Black: take them in, it's time to end this. Once rex comes for them, it'll be lights out for him.

Van Kleiss: that might not be a good idea.

Black: and why's that?

Van Kleiss: do you ever wonder why his body was so compatible with the omega nanite?

Black: not rely, I would've been the same.

Van Kleiss: you don't get it, do you? He's got the last meta nanite inside of him.

Black: how would you know?

Van Kleiss: I worked on the original meta nanites, when rex got into that accident, he needed a meta nanite to keep him alive and his parents didn't wait a single moment to go through with it.

Black: well then, that does change things, but it's not like there much him and Tennyson can do.

Van Kleiss: I wouldn't underestimate them, those two could end the world if they wanted to.

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