Episode 48 - the one to control them all

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With the group just standing there, cricket ran over to her friends, and she hugged Skwydd as she managed to break him free and wake him up.

Cricket: thank goodness you're ok.

Skwydd: what's going on?

Ben: the end of the world, or it's looking that way.

Dr holiday: I can't believe you actually came along Beverly.

Beverly: my sis was in danger; I couldn't just sit back. I think you should probably go and check in on your number one patient.

Both he and Kevin returned to normal as Circe, six and Dr holiday made their way down into the massive machine that had changed the consortium, they moved the rubble and they found rex, still awake but in pain, and white with his suit destroyed and his face plate gone.

Dr holiday: white, you're....

White: I knew the risks.

Julie: what do we do now?

Kevin: what do you expect us to do, they have the meta nanites.

Ben: I refuse to give up, we've got to do something.

Charmcaster: like what?

Ben: what about your dismantling spell?

Charmcaster: it won't work unless it's stationary long enough for it to take full effect, if they move to much, they'd break free.

Gwen: and on this scale, it'd take all of both of us.

Rex: I get why they wanted white, but why would they want me?

Caesar: because you had one of them inside of you.

Rylander and meechum stayed out of the conversation as rex started to interrogate Caesar.

Rex: you knew?

Caesar: trust me, there is a legitimate reason to have them split into different living beings, but I cannot tell you the reason right now.

Six: how do we shut them down?

Caesar: you can't shut them down, but you can get them to fuse.

Noah: and how do you expect us to do that?

They find that the ground would start shaking.

Annie: whatever we're doing, we should do it now.

White: providence is in shambles, and we can't get any plumber help for a while.

Rex: my builds aren't strong enough to take them on.

Ben: I just wish I knew what way big's code was.

Camille: this is way too much going on at once.

Joel: no kidding.

Circe: there still just Evos right?

However, in the chaos, the group had forgotten about the newly cured Tucc had just woken up, with cricket and Skwydd helping him up.

Tucc looked at his arms and he stumbled back.

Tucc: what's going on?

Cricket: she cured you. As a threat.

Tucc: black knight?

Rex: things got so much worse, come look outside.

They ran to the window where they found the 5 terrorizing the already terrorized Bellwood.

Kevin: why are we just standing around? We need to do something.

Rex: how?

The room fell silent.

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