Episode 32 - save the last dance.

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Our episode starts with ben riding his bike home from soccer practice.

Ben: between aliens and Evos, I'm glad I can keep on playing soccer.

Julie on the phone: and we're still on for that double date on Friday, right?

Ben: I've got Gwen, Charmcaster and lucy on patrol that night, so unless the highbred decide that is the night there going to invade, it's going to be a night for us.

Julie: can't wait. Bye.

Ben: bye.

As he hangs up, he finds himself almost being hit by an out-of-control car.

Ben: hey watch out.

He looks back and finds the car swerving the best it can to avoid the few cars on the road.

Ben: that's no joy ride.

He activated his omnitrix and he got off of his bike as he ran forward, slamming on the diel as he changed into big chill. He activated the omni-kix to give himself a speed boost and he was able to quickly catch up to the car, although he was able to quickly stop the car by creating a thick wall of ice, as well as by freezing the engine.

Driver: what is that thing?

Passenger: who care's it just stopped our car and saved our lives.

They look over to see that ben had taken a bite out of the front bumper.

Driver: hey, this is my dad's car.

Ben: scram.

He then growls at them as he kept his omni-kix enhanced wings forced out and the pair ran off as he continued to eat the car. However, when we cut to the next day, we find ben resting on his bed, waking up with a headache.

Ben: what just happened?

As he asked himself, he reached into his mouth, and he pulled out a piece of metal.

Ben: I don't remember this. Where did this come from?

As he continued to ask himself questions, carl barged in through the door.

Carl: thank goodness your all right.

Ben: what happened last night?

Carl: you where that ghost moth thing and you just walked through the wall and you lay down on your bed, passing out as you changed back to human. Sandra still went to work but I took the day off to make sure you're ok.

Ben: I'm fine, but that's weird. I don't remember doing any of that.

Carl: and I should also say that Julie has been calling all day.

Ben: what time is it?

Carl: it's 2PM.

Ben scrambled to her out his phone as he sent out a text, seeing that Julie had sent out a few before stopping at 10PM when she called carl.

Ben: I have to go.

Carl: are you sure you're good to go?

Ben: I'm fine, besides I think I should ask lucy what's going on. If anybody would know what's going on with big chill, it's her.

He ran out of the house, just barely grabbing his jacket as he was still in his soccer ball uniform, and he ran over to Gwen's house as fast as he could. He started banging on the door when lucy opened in her human form.

Ben: it's been a while since I've seen you looking like a human.

Lucy: well last time the mail man saw me in my humanoid-Lenopan form he ran away screaming. I thought it was hilarious but Aunt Natalie didn't.

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