Episode 37 - the first of 5

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White: it's time, we have to strike now or never.

Kevin: all right then, how are we going to do this?

White: I'm just waiting on one last piece of information to come in...

Blush: aww, you waited for me?

The group looked up to spot the bat girl on the ceiling, although she would soon glide down to the ground.

Bobo: why do we need her?

Blush: I was born to be a thief, plus nobody else has been able to break into as many providence bases as my team have, and guess who led most of those missions.

Circe: all right we've got your point, what intel do you have?

Blush: the consortium is going to be in providence in a few hours, we could kill two birds with one stone. Take away the funding and those plumbers' guys are going to want to know why.

Kenwyne: you're planning on kidnapping some of the most important people on the planet?

blush: I've kidnapped the most important person too my whole universe before if that's what you're asking.

DR holiday: all right then, what's the plan?

Cut to outside of the providence base, where blush managed to sneak above the two black pawns who were standing guard and she managed to take them out, flying them behind the base.

DR holiday: you're quite strong, aren't you?

Blush: I might only be 21, but I've had a lot of training. I'm usually carrying like two-whole people at any given time, imagine how much worse it gets when Eve got involved.

Rex and six put on the black pawn uniforms and they entered the building undetected the rest of the group having to find a different way in, one that blush pointed out, although the small space they were able to crawl through made it hard for white knight to fit, and for blush to fit before she managed to put her wings back in her back. However, Kevin had a different task.

Blush: all right alien kid, be the biggest distraction you can be.

Kevin: looks like I'm going to have to break out the mechamorph.

He changed into bootleg, and he took control of a providence tank, managing to use it to cause a lot of damage.

White: I'm surprised with how easily you were able to come up with this plan. Once this is over, would you consider joining providence?

Blush: nah, tried being a part of some big government facility and look at where it got me.

She found a window to an empty room, and she flew into the air, and as she came crashing down into the window she covered her body with her giant bat wings, spinning around and managing to shatter the glass without making much noise before flying into the air.

meanwhile back inside of the building, rex and six managed to follow black knight to a meeting room where six and rex had to wait for the right moment to strike.

Roswell: so little lady, you've got some of those nanites here?

Black: that's right.

Anthony: and where are they?

Black: turns out that one of them where hidden away in this very base, the other one took some tracking down, but it's hidden away in a vault. You two, why don't you show them to the meta nanite?

Rex and six look at each other as black knight returned to her monitors, noticing the broken glass on the outside of the base. Meanwhile, DR holiday and Circe had made it to the vault, and they began to try and open it when they heard something on their comms.

Rex: all right, let's get you guys to that vault.

Vostok: you're not being paid to talk, just be quite and take us there.

Circe: we need to hurry this up.

DR holiday: no time, we can't open this thing. It's blocked to only let black and the consortium in.

The pair hide away, leaving a clue that they were still there as rex and six brought the consortium to the safe where Roswell was able to open it up, and he saw the large container that held the meta nanite and they were pleased. Rex closed the safe, although he made sure to keep it just barely open before they all left and rex and six walked them to the door, where they would find a wall of black pawns blocking the way. However, while Circe and DR holiday where able to do their part, white, Kenwyne and blush managed to make their way to white's old office where he would place his hand on the ground.

Kenwyne: we need to hurry this up, some pawns are heading this way.

White: I need a moment.

Blush: we've got your back, right?

Kenwyne: of course.

Suddenly the door opened as black knight walked in with her B.F.S and flail in her hands.

Black: well, I had found that vault ages ago, but I could never open it. you had to be nanite free to open it, didn't you?

White: you're not getting your hands on these things.

Blush: I've seen people become God like entities before, trust me it's not worth it.

Black: I wasn't expecting to see you here bat girl.

Blush: what can I say, an opportunity to rob a place like this, I couldn't say no.

Black: and here I was thinking you were a hero.

Blush: oh, I'm a hero. I only steel from the bad guys, a real robin hood situation.

Black shot her flail out, managing to tie up blush although, she would quickly break free by putting her wings away to slip out before grabbing onto the meta nanite and flying through the giant vent on the ceiling.

Kenwyne: and there goes you're nanite. What are you going to do now?

Black: well, I can't hope of taking both of you on at once, so I'll just let you walk out. Your friends are going to need the help.

Kenwyne and white walked out and to the door where they spotted rex and six being tackled by the consortium, with the doors and windows locked. On the outside, blush, DR holiday and Circe managed to meet up with Kevin and Bobo, as Kevin timed out and returned to his normal form.

Kevin: where are the others?

Blush: still inside, but I've got one of the nanite thingies here.

DR holiday: and I have another.

Circe: and I'm going back in there for them.

However, as they turned around, they spotted that the group had been let out of providence.

Rex: why does she keep letting us get away?

White: she's planning something, and I don't know what it is.

Bobo: it's probably nothing to worry about. Yet anyway.

Kevin: let's just get out of here before we lose those things.

Blush looked down at her communicator.

Blush: looks like they've managed to track down 1.3, you guys have it from here, right?

White: thanks for your help.

Blush: it was the right kind of fun. See you all later.

Back at the plant, white placed the two meta nanites in a secure location.

Rex: do we know where the others are?

White: I had found one a few years back, but I've hidden it away with people who can keep it secure, for now, we track down the last two.

They all split apart to rest up for whatever they would have to face next.  

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