Episode 14 - maxed out.

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We start with a figure walking into a coffee shop.

Waitress: is there anything I can get you?

Figure: just some coffee, I just needed to get out of the rain if you know what I mean?

The waitress walks off as the figure pulled out his phone. He looked over the many different news articles about ben, rex and their teams and he smiled knowing that they were all doing the right thing. However, when the waitress returned with a coffee pot, she also placed down something else.

Figure: I asked for just coffee.

Waitress: it's on the house.

She lifted up the lid and a xenosite jumped out of it. Max was able to backhand It and as he stood up the waitress grabbed a hold of it. The figure managed to stick his hands out and he ripped the mask off. Showing it to be a DNAlien. He watched as it let go of him, fumbling over itself as it tried to grab him again. However shit time, it was hit on the top of its head by a fire extinguisher as Phil reviled himself.

Phil: you can't go anywhere without getting into trouble, can you?

The figure took off his hat and trench coat, reviling it to be grandpa max.

Max: the tip was right. If there around here, then this might be where they took him.

Phil: are you sure you want to go through with this?

Max: the others have already been notified about his disappearance; we just need to figure out where they are.

Phil: I'd say the weather control tower by the hatchery is a good sign that there over in the hatchery.

Max: good point. Come on partner.

The pair run off as we cut to ben, Gwen and Charmcaster on the road.

Charmcaster: remind me why you're dragging me along for this?

Ben: Noah, Clair, Annie and Julie are already in Santa Mira for their tennis tournament, but ken's been missing for a week. It's not like him and we need all the help we can get, just in case.

Gwen: besides, if you're going to be on the team you've got to come on missions.

Glitch: I am detecting a drastic shift in the weather over the town of Santa Mira.

Ben: do you think the DNAliens are there then?

Glitch: it is a distinct possibility. I have alerted the others that we are on the way and that we will meet them at the garage where ken has been keeping his awsomemoblie.

Charmcaster: what kind of name is that?

Gwen: it's the kind of name that ken would give his car. And ben probably would as well.

Ben: guilty.

As they arrive at the garage, Charmcaster takes a look inside and finds that it's empty.

Charmcaster: ok, the place is empty, so we can just bust in, right?

Ben: let me try getting in first.

He activates the omnitrix and starts cycling through its available aliens, finding big chill and slamming down on the diel, although he changed into kickin hawk.

Gwen: how stealthy.

Ben just kicked the door open, and they walked inside and looked around. Charmcaster managed to use her magic to illuminate the room and as they looked around, Gwen found that ken's car was unlocked. Ben found a log of date, times and who was on shift, and she started reding through it, although kickin hawk's tendency to tilt his head was making it harder than it should've been.

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