Episode 47 - in the end game.

Start from the beginning

Black: oh, they'll be helping us to. By the way, how are our friends in the consortium?

Van Kleiss: 3 have arrived in providence, and the other three are taken care off.

Black: that's good to hear. Now then, all we have to do is wait.

Cut back to our trio hidden away, watching the group being taken away.

Ben: how could they lose to black knight?

Rex: maybe she has something that can block tech?

Cricket: how could she do that?

Ben: those two.

They look over to spot the sola twins flying alongside the providence ship as it takes off. And now rex and ben looked even more concerned.

Ben: she only had three of them. And white wasn't in the group.

Rex: he's probably hidden away again.

Ben: there's only one way to find out.

Cricket: what are you going to do?

Ben: let Wildmutt find him.

Ben changed into Wildmutt, and he started smelling the ground. He pointed on his back and the two got on, riding him inside of the plant, getting to its lowest levels where he stopped in front of a wall.

Cricket: he's in the walls?

Rex: there's only one way to find out.

He built his smack hands and he changed them into combat drills, and he managed to drill through the wall, finding white on the other end with one of the meta nanites.

White: she's gotten the others', haven't he?

Rex: and she's probably starting to track that one.

Ben: and she's got the solar twins working for her, with their tech disrupting all other tech, means that my watch and his builds are going to be useless there.

White: and my suit would likely shut down, exposing me to nanites.

Rex: we need people who can fight them.

White: luckily, Kenwyne was sent off on a special mission before they attacked. I had a feeling she was going to attack sooner or later, so I sent her out to contact some of our allies from across the globe, unfortunately they may not respond or get here in time.

Ben: well, I know some people we can go too.

They look at him as we cut back to inside providence where the people were spread across the various different cells of providence, finding that the energy walls had been "improved" making that they'd disintegrate anything they'd come with. Lucy was the one to find it out when she lost her arm although she would regrow it.

Lucy: all right well that's not going to work.

Kevin kept on trying to change into crystalfist, finding that his antitrix wasn't responding.

Charmcaster: would you stop slapping that thing, it's not going to work.

Kevin: it's our best chance to get out of here. If I could just change into crystalfist.

Bobo: give it up kid.

Kevin: I'm not going to. I can't give up.

Gwen: would you guys shut up; I'm trying to connect to my anodite self. If I can do that then I should be able to pull almost limitless mana.

Dr holiday: did I miss an adventure?

Noah: oh yeah, she's part alien. And her grandmother is powerful.

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