Episode 46 - together strong.

Start from the beginning

Acid breath: what do you think you can do against four of us?

Six ran forward and he managed to kick acid breath away, Freigthwig managed to use her hair to grab onto him, but six managed to use her hair to throw her into thumb skull before cutting through zombozo's massive mallet.

Six: last chance, back off.

Zombozo: can't ever do anything to get any money anymore.

He grumbled as he got into his clown car as his group grabbed onto it, driving off with him. Six then turned his attention to Dr holiday who was fighting steam Smythe.

Steam Smyth: you cling onto the modern way while I have been shown the true power of the past.

Dr holiday kept on blasting his clocktopus.

Dr holiday: how are you stopping theses?

Steam Smythe: after my last encounter with trying to use lasers, I've managed to make my clocktopus laser proof.

Six: don't worry doctor, I've got this.

Dr holiday: I can handle myself.

Six: I know.

He jumped onto the tentacles of the machine, and he runs up them, managing to use his Magna blades to cut through the tentacles as we cut over to Circe and lucy who had teamed up on D.J decibel as he was shooting them away with his sonic disks.

Circe: I've taken you down before decibel.

Decibel: yes, but I've improved upon my old sounds. Behold.

He shoots out sonic waves and Circe immediately splats across the wall of one of the buildings. However, as she pulled herself off, she managed to help Charmcaster, and Noah fight the bug brothers.

Maurice: now we're fighting magic?

Charmcaster: yeah, deal with it.

She managed to cast a spell at them which caused the pair to swap heads, returning to their original bodies.

Maurice: I had just broken in that body.

Charmcaster: now get out of here.

Maurice: you haven't seen the last of me.

Kevin: if anybody's got a moment, I need some help here.

Circe turned her attention to the Highbreed, and she screeched at him.

Circe: tag out.

The two swapped positions as Kevin changed into bootleg and he managed to mess with decibel's equipment enough to send him flying. This only left the Highbreed and Cain, although Cain had already taken off with rex quickly following him.

Highbreed: enough with you vermin.

Ben: about that...

He slapped the omnitrix and he changed into swampfire while Kevin changed into hot shot.

Highbreed: your time is coming. And you won't see it coming.

He took off with his DNAliens as they heard something from white.

White: what's going on?

Dr holiday: it was a villain gang up.

Cricket: I didn't even do anything there.

Ben: well, we're going to have to do something, rex is missing still.

White: well, we've got company here.

Ben: I'll find him.

Cricket: I'm going with you. I couldn't stop my gang from getting hurt, I'm not leaving him behind.

Ben changed into crashhopper, and they jumped away while everybody else returned to the plant. Jumping over the buildings they found rex still fighting Cain, using the block party to protect himself. However, with enough damaged, it shattered.

Ben jumped onto Cain while cricket helped rex get back up.

Rex: where did all of these villains come from?

Cain: you know who, we're just the distraction.

Ben: black, that's what's going on at the plant. She's there.

Rex: I'll give you one chance, get out of here.

Cain: and why would I do that?

Ben changed into gravattack, and he got Cain into the air.

Ben: let's see if you can handle a gravity fling.

Cricket: can I give the final push?

Cain: this is why you evos need to be stopped your using your powers to endanger people.

Cricket kicked Cain and ben gave it enough force to send him into the ocean, where he would land safely, btu he would still have to drag him onto land.

Rex: we need to get going. Come on.

Ben changed into big chill and rex built his sky slyder, ben grabbed onto cricket and they flew off, back to the plant where they found that they were too late, the battle was over, and as they saw everybody being taken out, they found that white wasn't there, black had the four meta nanites and van Kleiss and the polar twins where with black. They were in the end game now. 

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