009| research and realization

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Research and Realization



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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Althea ran her fingers through bookshelves, trying to find the book she was looking for. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 'The Basilisk is a giant , also known as the King of Serpents. It is a that is bred usually by . was the first to breed a Basilisk; he accomplished this by hatching a beneath a which resulted in the known as a Basilisk. Basilisk breeding was banned in Medieval times. The practice can be hidden when the comes to check by simply removing the egg from the toad.'

She read further, there must be something she was missing. 'Looking a Basilisk directly in the eye causes instant death, but an indirect look will merely render the victim . It is also the mortal enemy of , who can intuitively sense them and flee whenever they do.'

"Spiders..." When the chamber was first opened, spiders were crawling around. Althea thought back to all the petrifications.

"Mrs. Norris... Must have been petrified by looking at the puddle that night."

"Colin, what was he holding?" Her mind flashed back to Colin on the hospital bed. "Camera. He saw it through the camera."

"Justin had been petrified with Sir Nick but Nick couldn't die again. But Justin... the only way was Justin seeing it through Sir Nick."

"And Hermione..." Althea closed her eyes, picturing Hermione on the bed. "The mirror, she must have brought it with her because she knew."

Althea grinned, she was unraveling the mystery more and more, but there was still something not adding up. "Myrtle." Althea fled back to the bathrooms. "Myrtle!"

Myrtle floated from the last stall. "Althea, why are you here?" Usually Myrtle was rude to students but Althea had wished her well and shown empathy.

"Myrtle, I need to know how you died."

Myrtle frowned, "I don't-I don't know. It was like I was alive one moment and the next I wasn't."

"Do you remember seeing eyes or scales?"

Myrtle shook her head, "It was a blur. I'm sorry."

Althea shook her head,  No need to be, you've helped me loads." She went out but stopped, "Do you remember a Tom Riddle?"

Myrtle paused, "He went to school when I did and that's all I know."

Althea nodded, "Thanks." She ran back to try to get to Mcgonagall, she was half way there when she was knocked out cold. It was a vision but she didn't have any warning, it seemed as though the vision was urgent.

This vision was exactly like the one she had about Tom in the 40's, it was stable and showed Ginny being taken by Tom, but he looked like he did all those years ago.

That was all she saw before Althea was snapped awake, all thoughts of warning Mcgonagall fled out the window, the only thing on her mind was getting to Ginny.

Althea sprinted to the girls bathroom and was relieved to see that Tom was still with Ginny and they hadn't gone to the chamber yet. "Tom!"

Tom stopped guiding Ginny, "Who might you be?"

"Althea Weasley and I know all about you." That was a lie but she sounded confident enough that Tom believed her.

"Do tell."

She shook her head, "Not until you let her go."

Tom raised an eyebrow, "Fine." His hold on her seemed to snap and she went back to normal.

"W-who are you? Why-" She turned to see Althea, "Thea!" She ran to her.

Althea quickly pulled her into a hug, "Listen, Gin, you need to get out of here."

Ginny shook her head, "No, I can't leave you with him!"

"Ginny, listen to me. Get out of here and tell Minnie, tell her I saw it and that I'm here on my own accord, okay?"

Ginny nodded shakily, B-be careful."

"Little hard since it's a murderer but sure." Ginny ran out and Tom placed his hands on Althea temple, sealing her in a trance.

Ginny had tears coming out of her eyes as she ran to Mcgonagall, "Professor!"

All teachers and Harry and Ron looked up as they saw Ginny running towards them, "Ginny?" Ron ran forward and pulled her into a hug. She hugged back but pulled away and ran in front of Mcgonagall.

"It's Althea! She said to tell you that she saw it and-and that she went on her own accord." Ron and Harry froze.

"She-she did it to save me."

Mcgonagall nodded shakily, "We'll just have to hope that Lockhart isn't an idiot."

As the teachers dispersed to alert the students, Ron stayed frozen, he couldn't deal with the fact that his twin sister was down there was a basilisk and could be facing death. "C'mon." Harry said, pulling Ron towards Lockhart's office. "Let's go see Lockhart. He may be a brainless git, but he's going to try and get into the Chamber. We can tell him what we know..."

Ron nodded, "Harry. D'you think there's any chance at all she's not, you know --"

Harry studied Ron's eyes, they were desperate for some sort of assurance that Althea wasn't dead. "We'll find her, Ron. Red's going to be fine." He looked away as Ron nodded, if he was being honest even he didn't believe what he just said but he had to hope because Harry didn't think he could survive if Althea was dead.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Althea was snapped out of her trance as Tom threw her on the wet floor of the chamber, "Tell me what you know." He demanded.

Althea coughed but nodded, "I know how you framed Hagrid all those years ago and blamed it on Aragog."

"What else?"

"You let the basilisk out of the chamber and in doing so you killed Myrtle." Tom was confused on how Althea knew so much about him. "So the question is, who are you really?"

Tom smirked, "Come on now, use your brain."

Althea wracked her brain, Tom Marvolo Riddle. Althea looked up and saw Tom writing his name with his wand and flipping it, the words rearranged to spell. "I am Lord Voldemort"

She gaped, "You're Voldemort."

He nodded, "Nice to see you again."

"But-but how do you still look so young?" 

"I perserved my younger self in that diary that your sister Ginny had found. Everyday she would write in it and I would console her and soon enough she was doing my bidding."

"What did you make her do?"

"Not important." And with that she was knocked out cold. 

Author's Note: It literally feels like years since this was updated but THANK YOU FOR 1K READS! Since school has ended, hopefully I'll be able to update more often

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