009| harry finally gets presents

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Harry Finally Gets Presents



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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

THE QUARTET FOLLOWED Hagrid, Harry talking about how Snape was the one messing with his broom. "Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?"

"Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Harry shot.

Hagrid turned to them suspiciously, "Who told you 'bout Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" Althea asked.

"That thing has a name?"

"Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the.."

"Guard the?" Althea carried.

"Shouldn't have said that." Hagrid muttered, "No more questions! Don't ask any more questions. That's top secret, that is."

"But, Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it."

"Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher."


Hermione nodded, "Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking."


Hagrid sighed, "Now, you listen to me, all three of you." He pointed to all of them, "You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel."

"Nicholas Flamel?" Althea asked, racking her brain for anything.

"I shouldn't said that. I should not have said that." Hagrid mumbled to himself.

Harry turned to Hermione, "Nicholas Flamel? Who's Nicholas Flamel?"

Hermione shook her head, "I don't know."

Harry looked at Althea, "Red?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, Harold. Nothing."

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Christmas break came quickly and soon enough kids were leaving to go home to their parents for the holidays. Althea helped Hermione pack, the two were walking in the great hall which looked like Christmas had thrown up on it.

They stopped at a table where Harry and Ron were playing wizard's chess, Hermione's mouth dropped open as one of the pieces on Ron's side smashed Harry's. "That's totally barbaric!"

Althea chuckled, "That's wizard's chess."

Ron nodded, "Yup." He turned around to see Hermione with her trunk, "I see you've packed."

"See you haven't."

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good, you can help Harry and Althea, then. He's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times." Ron said.

Hermione leaned closer to them, "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas."

Althea raised an eyebrow, "Who knew Hermione had a dark side?"

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Christmas morning came fast, Althea only woke up when she heard Ron screaming for Harry and her for presents. "Fucking hell, Ronald." She groaned, standing from the top of the steps. " Scream a little louder, why don't you?"

Ron winced, he knew how grumpy Althea was when she was woken up. "Sorry."

"Yeah, yeah, where's Harold?"

"Here." Harry groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Harry, come down, you've got presents!"

This woke Harry up, "Presents? Me?"

Althea went down the steps, "Yes, Harold. You've got presents." She pulled on the sweater Mrs. Weasley knit for her.

"I never get presents."

"Yes, we've established that but you've got presents so open them!" Althea yelled, rubbing her head.

"Woke up on the wrong side of bed, Red?" Harry asked.

"Fuck off." She threw a present at Harry who caught it no problem.

Harry looked at it, there was only a note, " our father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." Harry opened it and pulled out a blanket-like cloth.

"What is it?" Ron asked. Harry shrugged, "Well, put it on!"

Harry pulled the cloak over him and all of his body was gone, except for his head. "Woah..." Harry breathed.

"Oh my merlin..." Althea started, standing up. "You've got an invisibility cloak."

"I'm invisible."

"They're really rare, wonder who gave it to you?"

Harry looked down at the note, " No, there is no name." His eyes grazed another package that had Althea's name on it, "Red, this is for you."

 What?" Althea grabbed the package and her eyes widened at who it was from, "Cassandra." She whispered.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked.

"Uh...Someone I met." She quickly started walking to her dorm.

"Is it a boy?" Ron asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." Althea answered, not paying attention.

Ron's eyes widened, "What!?"

Althea entered her empty dorm and ripped the gift open, it revealed a box, a jewelry box to be exact. Inside was a necklace, there was a blue crystal necklace with a gold chain. "Merlin..." It looked expensive and Althea knew that if she started wearing it questions would be asked but the note said she had to wear it. She clasped the necklace around her neck and tucked it into her sweater.

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