007| past and present

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Past and Present



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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

NOW THAT EVERYONE thought that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, the golden trio had put their polyjuice potion to the test during Christmas break.

Althea pretended not to know about their antics but in reality thought they were being stupid. She knew they thought that Draco was the heir but Althea didn't think so, it wouldn't make sense.

Yes, he hated muggle-borns and his comments proved that but she didn't think he was smart enough to pull the petrifications that had taken place. Of course, he could be taking orders from his father but then again, Draco was the Malfoy's pride and joy and Althea was sure that Narcissa wouldn't allow Lucius to let Draco do anything that was dangerous.

The quartet sat in the hospital wing as Harry and Ron showed Hermione and Althea the diary, " Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Althea asked as she studied the diary.

"Ron said he won an award fifty years ago?"

"Special Services to the School or something --"

"Fifty years ago? You're sure?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't you remember what Malfoy told you?" Hermione paused as she remembered Althea was there and didn't know. She leaned closer to whisper but Althea had caught everything. "The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened was --"

"Fifty years ago! That means --"

"Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts when it happened. What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they?"

Althea mentally noted everything Hermione had said and left the hospital wing.

Her eyes scanned the books laid in front of her, Althea had been searching for a Tom Riddle in school records or in any books mentioning the chamber of secrets. If Tom had some significance to the chamber then he might be mentioned.

As she read, her head felt light and her body felt exhausted. It was a vision, she knew but the way it was arriving took more of a toll on her than any other.

Her head lolled to the side as she collapsed on her bed, her head hitting the pillow.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

When Althea opened her eyes, she noticed that this vision was more stable in a sense. Usually, when she had a vision it was flashing images and people but this time it was a stable scene.

She was at Hogwarts but it was different, it seemed older. At the landing at the grand stairwell, a boy stood, he was maybe in his sixth or seventh year. "Riddle."

Althea turned to see Dumbledore but younger, "Professor Dumbledore."

"It's not wise to be wandering around this late, Tom." Althea nodded, so that's Tom, he's pretty attractive.

"Yes, Professor. I suppose I -- I just had to see for myself, if..." Tom looked around before continuing. "... the rumors were true."

Dumbledore sighed, "I'm afraid they are, Tom."

"About the school as well? They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, Professor?" Close Hogwarts? Are they talking about closing Hogwarts because the chamber was opened?

"Headmaster Dippet may have no choice, I'm afraid."

"Sir? If it all stopped. If the person responsible was caught..."

"Is there something you wish to tell me, Tom?"

There was a long pause, "No, sir. Nothing." Althea narrowed her eyes at him, He was definitely hiding something.

The scene changed and Althea was now in front of a door, Tom was next to her. "C'mon, Aragog. Gotta get yeh outta here... C'mon now.. in the box..."

Tom opened the door and Althea saw the second figure, "Evening, Hagrid." Hagrid? "I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone --"

Kill anyone, Hagrid couldn't hurt a fly, how could he kill someone? "No, yeh can't! Yeh don' understand!"

"Hagrid. The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered." Dead girl? Who died?

"It wasn' him! Aragog never'd kill no one! Never!"

"Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now... stand aside..." Tom blasted open the box and inside was a tangle of black legs, beady eyes, and sharp pincers. Althea stepped back even though she wasn't there, the idea of spiders scared, not as much as it did Ron though.

Althea didn't wake up until that morning. 

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