011| through the trapdoor

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Through the Trapdoor



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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

THE GOLDEN TRIO was onto something, Harry had just had a breakthrough about Hagrid's suspicious dragon egg seller. They were talking with him and decided not to bring her along seeing as she didn't think their assumptions were right.

While they were talking with Hagrid, Althea was unconscious. She had passed out on the floor of her dorm and was having a vision.

She was in this very fancy room but she knew it was in Hogwarts, just she didn't know where. There was a mirror and next to it a figure, their head was wrapped in some sort of cloth but his face was obscured from her view.

As they were turning, her vision changed and now she was seeing flashes of dark black vines, flying keys, and a chess board? The images kept replaying, each time they got faster and faster.

Althea gasped awake, she was panting heavily but had no time to worry about herself. That stone was going to be stolen and it was going to be tonight, the golden trio had not been entirely wrong. It's just that Althea didn't think Snape was going to steal the stone.

She quickly opened her bag and pulled out the notebook, sitting at her desk and beginning to draw. The room with the mirror and the figure, the thick black vines, the flying keys, and the chess board.

As soon as she finished, Althea sprinted out with her notebook in hand, and she had to talk to Mcgonagall.

The golden trio were just told that Dumbldore was called away, they had just figured out how to get past Fluffy and were going tonight. " Minnie!" They turned to see Althea sprinting towards them.

Mcgonagall turned around to see Althea with her notebook, " Althea, have you?"

She nodded, " Yeah, and it's bad!" She ran past them, quickly vanishing into Mcgonagall's office.

"Are we bringing Althea?" Hermione asked.

"No." Ron and Harry chorused.

"Why not?"

"She's my sister, I don't need her wrapped up in this."

"And," Harry said. "She wasn't here just now and she doesn't care."

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

"Are you sure?" Mcgonagall asked, recalling her conversation with the golden trio.

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