008| why girls go to the bathroom together

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Why Girls Go To The Bathroom Together



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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

THAT NIGHT IN the great hall, Harry looked around in awe of the decorations. Jack-o-lanterns floated around, Harry looked around in search of Althea and Hermione, "Where's Hermione? Althea?"

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom. She said that she'd been in there all afternoon...crying. I think Thea's in there with her." Neville said.

Harry glanced at Ron, Ron shrugged, "She'll come around, Thea'll get her."

Loud footsteps echo as Professor Quirrell ran into the great hall, a look of panic on his face, " TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" Dumbledore rose from his seat in concern, he shared a look with Mcgonagall, Althea had been right. "Thought you ought to know."

As soon as he passed out, the great hall was in a frenzy. Students were screaming and running around in a panic, "SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Dumbledore said, immediately everyone calmed down, "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Prefects sprang into actions, leading their house towards their respective dorms. "Gryffindors, keep up please. And stay alert!" Percy called as he sped through the hallway.

"How could a troll get in?" Harry asked.

"Not by itself." Ron answered, "Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes." Suddenly, Harry stopped and pulled Ron aside. "What?"

"Hermione! Althea! They don't know!" The two separate themselves from the group, they make their way towards the girls bathroom.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Althea had finally managed to coax Hermione out of the stall and towards the sink to wash her face and dry her tears. While Hermione goes to dry her face, Althea grabbed her arm. "Stop."


"I think there's something in here." Hermione's face morphed into one of fear as she looked behind Althea. Althea knew that something was behind her but she really really hoped that it wasn't the troll she had the vision of. She turned around and cringed as it was infact the troll, " Fuck."

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