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BLUE EYES SNAPPED OPEN, they scanned the room around her. White was everywhere, it draped the chairs and the ceiling, the pillars that lined the room as well.

She shifted to look around as she got up from the ginormous white bed, draped in white curtains. She moved them aside to step out, her bare feet touching the ground softly. 

Her body finally fully lifted from the bed as she made her way across the room. She was dressed in white robes that looked almost Greek, her hair was a beautiful red, silky hair. 

It fell down her back in small ringlets that ended near the small of her back. She had golden bracelets on her small wrist that trailed up to the crevice of her elbow.

"Althea, my dear." 

Althea turned around at the sound of the voice, her eyes landed on a woman. The only way that Althea could describe her was ethereal. 

She was dressed in similar Greek-like robes that draped around her body perfectly. She had the same bracelets that Althea had. Only her's seemed to shine. 

Her feet were bare like Althea's and her hair was in tight curls and half was in a bun that pulled her hair back and the other half fell down her back, a few strands were in front, framing her face. Gold pieces lay in her hair, accentuating her golden brown hair. 

Althea's mind went hazy as the woman approached her, it was the feeling you get when you get up too fast and all the blood rushes to your head. 

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Where am I?" 

The woman smiled softly, "My name is Cassandra, you are in your mind, my dear." 

"My mind?" She asked, "My mind does not look like this." 

Cassandra chuckled, "This part of your mind, the most important part." 

"What am I doing here? Why are you here? What is going-" 

"Calm down and let me explain." 

Althea nodded, "Yeah, okay." 

Cassandra walked behind Althea and placed her hands on her shoulders, she led her through the room until they stopped in front of a curtain. "Watch." Cassandra waved her hands and the curtain opened.

On the other side was a giant couch, it was also white which Althea thought was pretty impractical. In front of the couch was a prophetic crystal ball. It was beautiful, the way the light bounced off the glass and made the blue inside the ball brighter. 

"Sit." Althea sat on the couch, Cassandra sat next to her. "I am a seer." 

"A seer?" 

She nodded, "Yes, a being who can see into the future." 

Althea gaped, "You can see into the future?" 

"Yes, and so can you." 

"I can?" 

Cassandra nodded, "Mhmm, I know this sounds impossible but I promise you it's not." 

"So am I a seer?" 

"You are and that is why I am here." Cassandra's hand glew slightly, she reached forward and placed her hands on Althea's. 

Her hands felt warm and Althea could feel energy flow from Cassandra to her. "What-what just happened?" 

"I just activated your abilities." 

"What do these abilities consist of?" 

"For now, for you, you will get visions of the future." Althea nodded as Cassandra continued, "When you get these visions, you will feel lightheaded and most times you will pass out, but only for a minute or two." 

"Visions? Pass out? Cassandra, this is-" 

 "I know." Cassandra said softly, " I know, but you will learn how to deal with it, how to control it." 


 "My dear, you are going to wake up soon so I must leave you." 

"No, wait!" Althea held onto Cassandra's hands as she was fading, " Will I be able to talk to you again?" 

"All you have to do is go to sleep and dream of me." 

"Is that-" 

"I must go now. See you soon Althea." 

𝘿𝙄𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙍, harry potterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora