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Angelica suppressed a sniffle as she placed the green paste over Felix's wound. It was a concoction created by Lenore and Joanna, a special remedy to suck the dark magic inside Felix's wound which was preventing his was disrupting his healing abilities. Both Bennett witches had sworn that the old recipe worked to a T and that Felix was going to make a full recovery. They both had stayed with Angelica well past midnight before finally going to bed. Angelica sat by Felix's side, watching over him, and waiting with anguish for his eyes to open. When she saw his pale face and all the blood pouring out of his wound, she had been terrified she was going to lose him for good.

Felix's laid on the bed, naked from the waist up, and covered in sweat. He moaned pitifully from time to time as a terrible fever attacked his body.

"You're going to be okay," Angelica whispered to him. "Once we get all that dark magic out of you, your healing abilities will kick in and you will be as good as new. I promise." Her heart ached for him. Felix had always been so strong, so lethal, and seeing him in this state had her worried sick.

Felix's only response was another moan of pain.

Angelica rubbed her hand gently over the nasty gash on his stomach, spreading the green mixture evenly with her fingers over the damaged skin. She had applied the mixture every hour without fail and the wound was not even half healed yet. It's all that dark magic, she thought. He probably would have died if it had hit him in the chest. She choked back a sob at the horrible thought. Don't cry, she told herself. Don't do you dare cry, he wouldn't want you to cry for him.

The door opened and Angelica turned her face away, taking a deep breath, and ensuring to place a mask of composure over her face. She needed to transmit calm and reassurance to the rest of their hybrid pack. They all looked up to Felix, they respected and admired him, not only because he was Klaus's right-hand man but because he was their friend. They all cared for him deeply.

"I got more blood bags," Jesse murmured as he came inside the room. His eyes flashed gold momentarily as the scent of blood and magic hit him. It lingered in the air, impregnating the whole room but thankfully, it did not spread into the hallway.

"Thank you," Angelica offered him a weak smile.

Jesse moved to the bedside table, opening one bag with his teeth and pouring it over a glass cup. Angelica had spelled the cup to remain warm throughout the night, that way they didn't have to go to the kitchen and heat the blood in the microwave. Jesse took the empty bag and threw it on the small trash bin underneath the nightstand. "I could stay with him if you will like to get some sleep...go to the bathroom..."

"I'm fine," Angelica told him.

"Matt made some sandwiches for the pack," Jesse informed her. "Marcel got us some beer too."

Angelica arched eyebrow. "The whole pack is here?"

Jesse nodded. "Riley told us to leave but we didn't listen..." he shrugged. "We wanted to make sure Felix would be okay." They were all pretty much guarding Felix's door. "Even Josh is here."

"You shouldn't let Belle stay up so late, she has school tomorrow."

"We told her that but she insists on staying."

"I already sent her to bed."

Angelica and Jesse both jumped at the sound of that familiar voice. Neither of them had sensed Klaus stepping inside the room.

"How is he doing?" the hybrid asked as he walked closer to the bed. His eyes quickly scanned Felix's shivering body and lingered on the green paste around his abdomen.

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