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Klaus, Bonnie, and the girls woke up early the next morning and shortly after breakfast, they headed to Covington for their appointments at Dr. Mayfair's clinic.

Both girls were rather nervous as they stepped inside the clinic. Davina more so than Charlotte, although she tried to put on a brave face. They were guided to a private family room area. There were lots of paper work to fill up, Davina did her own while Bonnie answered the questions as best as she could in regards to Charlotte. Which wasn't really much as she had no idea about her health history. Thank-fully, she had explained Charlotte's situation to Dr. Mayfair, so the staff was aware that the little girl had probably never been to the doctor before. She had also talked to Charlotte the night before and explained to her what a doctor was and why they had to go see her. She didn't want Charlotte to be afraid or overwhelmed.

Two very nice and kind nurses came in shortly after and took the girls to another room to measure their height, weight, blood pressure, and they also took samples of blood and urine.

Charlotte whimpered and a single tear rolled down her cheek as they took her blood. Bonne sat next to her on the examining table and wrapped an arm around her. "It's okay, sweetie." She kissed the top of her head. Charlotte buried her head against her and closed her eyes.

Klaus stood silently in the corner of the room while Davina sat in the chair next to the examining table. She looked away as they took blood samples from her and bit her lip but there were no tears.

A couple of minutes later, Dr. Mayfair came inside the room followed closely by another younger female named Dr. Jones. "Good morning," she greeted all of them with a smile. She turned to the teenage witch. "Davina, I presume."

"Yes," Davina fidgeted nervously in her seat. "I'm feeling better," she blurted out. She didn't want to be there, she didn't like doctors or hospitals and she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Her magic was still a bit wacky from time to time but she wasn't coughing or sneezing anymore.

"That's good to hear," Dr. Mayfair replied but there was a knowing smile on her face. "And you must be Charlotte," she turned to the little girl next to Bonnie.

"They pinched me," Charlotte complained still snuggled against Bonnie side. She gave the doctor a wary look. "I don't like it."

Bonnie rubbed her back. She had to turn her face away when they took Charlotte's blood, she didn't like seeing her little girl in pain.

"I know sweetie," Dr. Mayfair said with a kind a smile. "I don't like needles either." She turned to look at Bonnie. "Dr. Jones is a pediatrician and she will be in charge of taking care of Charlotte today."

Dr. Jones nodded. "Dr. Mayfair has informed of the special circumstances regarding your little girl." She smiled down at Charlotte, before turning to Bonnie and Klaus. "I would like to start with some routine exams, checking her eyesight, her hearing, her coordination as well as her development and growth," she explained to them. "I will also perform a physical exam. I will check her heart, and lungs, and examine her teeth and of course address any questions or concerns you both may have."

They both nodded.

"I also called a specialist to come and see Davina today," Dr. Mayfair informed them. "Dr. Hernandez is a witch doctor, he studies the effects magic has on the human body. He is one of the most knowledge persons I know and will help us find out why Davina's magic is being affected by this cold and the steps we need to take to help her recover."

"Good," Bonnie said. She felt relieved to know that there were witch doctors out there who could help them. She offered Davina a small smile.

The young witch offered her a weak smile in return, she was still very nervous.

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