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If life were a movie, fireworks would have exploded the moment Bonnie kissed Klaus. He would have wrapped his arms around her, kissed her back with insatiable passion and the two would have lived happily ever after.

Life was not a movie.

There were no fireworks when Bonnie's lips touched Klaus's lips, only silence. It was an awkward kind of silence that made her stomach drop.

Klaus froze. His entire body went rigid the moment Bonnie pressed her lips against his. He had been prepared to snap her neck, not be kissed by her. He had not anticipated this move from her. He had no idea what to do or how to react at the unexpected contact.




As the seconds went by, it became obvious to Bonnie that she had just made the biggest mistake of her life. The two stood unmoving, like two statues. It was horrible.

Bonnie felt mortified. It wasn't just that she pressed her lips against his; it was also the fact that Klaus did not kiss her back. Klaus did not move at all. His reaction stung far more than she cared to admit. His lack of response wounded her pride and snapped her back into reality.

Bonnie pulled away startled.

Her green eyes opened wide, her lips parted in shock, and she stared at Klaus with a look of pure horror on her face. What the hell had she just done? She was horrified by her actions.

Klaus's face was priceless. The hybrid was stunned and he didn't even bother to mask it. His bright blue eyes were wide and openly staring at her with uncertainty. It was obvious he had been caught off guard and had no idea how to react.

For a few seconds neither of them said anything. They stared at each other, matching bewildered looks on their faces. The only sound around them came from the loud music playing inside the bar, the rain that continued to fall hard on the roof and the erratic beating of Bonnie's heart.

"What the hell was that?" Klaus hissed, finally able to find his voice. His jaw clenched and his stormy blue eyes were completely focused on her.

"I..." Bonnie was a deer caught in the headlights. Her entire body was shaking uncontrollably and her magic bubbled to the surface on its own accord. How to answer his question when she had no clue what in the world had possessed her to kiss him. "I..." her throat felt dry, her body trembled, and her cheeks felt aflame. Her heart was hammering so hard against her chest, she was terrified she was about to have a heart attack.

Klaus watched her, pinning her with that intimidating gaze of his. He took a menacing step closer to her, leaning forward and towering over her tiny frame.

Bonnie didn't think. Bonnie didn't care. Her magic surged, reacting to the threatening presence of the hybrid and she flung him out of the way.

Klaus was sent crashing against the wall behind him in one quick and unexpected move.

Bonnie took off running out of the bar.


Stupid, stupid, stupid, Bonnie chided herself as she made her way out of the bar. It was raining hard, in a matter of seconds she was wet from head to toe. The wind cut her face like a knife, and thunder accompanied each of her hurried steps. Her entire body was pumped with adrenaline, her heart pounding so loud in her ears, and her hands shook uncontrollably. The blast of magic she had released against Klaus had been powerful; she probably knocked him out unconscious. It was good. It meant she had some time to escape out of there before he came for her. She needed to get home and locked herself inside.

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