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There was a lot of commotion as everyone burst through the doors and stepped inside the house. Matt left a sleeping Charlotte in her room and headed downstairs to see what was going on. He wasn't prepared for awaited him. Nearly bumping into Marcel who carried a dead Davina in his arms was the last thing Matt expected to see. "No..." he whispered. His body went cold and he felt like he had been punched in the gut. He stood by the stairs watching the procession of people that came following Marcel. He didn't know what to say or do to help. Davina was dead, he couldn't really wrap his mind around it. In the short amount of time that he had known her, Matt had come to care for her. It hurt to see her dead.

Marcel ignored Matt and headed straight to the living room. Elijah, Kol, and Damon followed closely behind- each carrying a Harvest girl in their arms. A few moments later, Felix came in carrying Josephine LaRue while Jesse carried Vincent, Angelica was right behind them. Riley, Thierry, and the other vampires took the witches that had been helping Sophie to the building next door, where they were promptly locked in the basement. The witches were going to remain under arrest until they could figure out a way to free them from whatever mind control Sophie and the Ancestors had placed on them.

Joanna, Rebekah, and Klaus -carrying an unconscious Bonnie in his arms- were the last to arrive at the house. While Joanna joined Angelica so that the two of them could work to create a cure for Bonnie's hex, Klaus took Bonnie up to their room.

"What's wrong with Bonnie?" Matt asked a heartbroken looking Rebekah. Bonnie looked pale and sickly and she was shivering uncontrollably in Klaus's arms. Matt had never seen her look so sick before. "And Davina...she's..." he couldn't even bring himself to say the words.

"Yes," Rebekah's face broke. "Something went wrong with the Harvest, we don't know..." she shook her head. "Bonnie's been hexed."

Matt didn't like the worried look on Rebekah's face. "Is it really bad?" he asked feeling his heart constrict. He was still trying to process Davina's death and now Bonnie was in danger. He felt scared of what could happen.

"We're not sure," Rebekah whispered fearfully. She took Matt's hand in hers. "Come, we have to help her as best as we can." She dragged him up the stairs.

"Shouldn't we take her to a hospital?" Matt suggested worriedly.

"I doubt the hospital knows how to cure an evil hex," Rebekah told him. "Dr. Mayfair is on her way," she assured Matt. "I'm sure she will find a way to help Bonnie. Joanna and Angelica said they were going to work on a potion to help her too." She hoped with all her heart they could come up with a cure to end the nasty hex Sophie had placed on Bonnie. She said there was no cure, Bonnie's words echoed inside her mind. There has to be a cure, Rebekah thought. The alternative was too terrifying to even consider it.

The two of them stepped inside the master bedroom.

"The other Bennett's will be here soon," Matt said. "I'm sure they will help Bonnie." Matt knew how powerful the Bennett's were, if anyone could cure Bonnie it was them.

"They're under a sleeping curse." Klaus had placed Bonnie on the bed and was sitting next to her.

"Charlotte woke them up," Matt informed them. He couldn't stop the smile forming on his lips. Charlotte's display of magic had been incredible to witness, he still felt goose bumps on his skin.

Rebekah and Klaus both turn to him, matching looks of surprise.


"She heard the first witch's voice inside her head," Matt explained. "She told Charlotte to use the magic she had inside a jar."

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