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She was running as fast as her legs could possibly carry her. Her knees were scrapped and bloody from the times she had fallen on the ground. There were cuts on her arms and her face, it stung and tears blurred her vision but she kept going. She had to escape.

She couldn't let the spirits get to her again. She had to get away from them. She had to protect her baby.

A scream was suddenly torn from her throat as the burning pain hit her back. The magic viciously slashed her skin open, the cut deep and painful as blood poured out and wet her shirt.

She sank to her knees crying. She was helpless, cold, and alone. There was no one to help her, to save her from this torture.

"Please, make it stop." She tried to stand up but she couldn't. It hurt too much. She was frozen in place as another wave of magic attacked her. And then there was another wave of pain and another and another.

She cried, she begged but no one heard her. Her anguished screams echoed through the forest.

"Bonnie!" Strong arms wrapped around her but in her panic and her fear she saw them as a threat and her magic reacted accordingly.

Klaus hissed as he was flung off the bed and send crashing against the opposite wall. Angry red lines formed around his chest and arms as her magic angrily slashed his skin open. It stung but the cuts healed immediately.

Every object in their bedroom was floating in mid air. The crystal vase with roses on the dresser shattered and the flowers died suddenly, killed by the force of Bonnie's power.

Small cracks formed in all the windows and the balcony doors opened as a strong wind came swirling inside the room.

Bonnie sat up gasping for air. Her body trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Klaus stood up and walked towards the bed slowly, knowing that any sudden movement could startle her and have her magic react again. He approached her gently, like he would a skittish animal.


He could smell her fear and he could feel it echoing in his blood.

Bonnie's hands held the bed sheets in a painful grip as her body was rocked with sobs. The nightmare had felt so real, the spirits attacking her and the pain. Oh god, that terrible and excruciating pain all over her body. She could still feel it.

She didn't know how long she sat there shaking. She shut her eyes whimpering as she tried to calm herself.

It was just a wasn't real...the spirits can't hurt you.

Klaus sat behind her and pulled her gently against his chest. "It's all right." He whispered in her ear. "You are safe." His strong arms wrapped around her trembling frame and Bonnie leaned against him closing her eyes. "I'm here." He murmured while placing a gentle kiss on her bare shoulder. "I got you. You're safe."

The only person Klaus had ever comforted had been Rebekah and that had been mostly one thousand years ago when they were still children but for Bonnie...for her, he always found himself making an exception, doing things he had never thought of or expected. For her, he was willing to try.

Bonnie didn't say anything, she couldn't. She was too frightened still. But she took comfort in his embrace, in the soft velvet voice that whispered against her skin and in the bond which pulsed with life and strength, letting her know that she was safe.

Klaus didn't know how long they sat like that but eventually he felt Bonnie relax in his arms. The heart that had been beating erratically returned to normal and the trembling in her body stopped.

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