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While the Bennett witches prepared everything for the summoning spell, Rebekah ordered Klaus to get himself cleaned up. According to her, he was ruining the expensive rug in his bloodied state.

Klaus didn't say anything as he headed up the stairs.

Belle jumped out of her skin and her mouth dropped open when she nearly bumped into him in the hallway.

Klaus ignored her as he headed towards the master bedroom.

A bedroom should be a sanctuary, for Klaus stepping inside their bedroom was torture.

The minute he stepped inside, he was engulfed by her scent which still lingered in the room; a mixture of lavender, honey, magic, and his own scent which had imprinted itself on her skin since their first night together.

Everywhere he looked there was a reminder of Bonnie. From the vase filled with pink roses near the window, to the armchair in the corner with her favorite teddy bear sitting on it. The vanity table with her beauty products and the stack of pregnancy related books she had by the nightstand alongside her grimoire.

He avoided looking at the bed. It would bring too many memories of their passionate nights together.

Klaus ripped his blood soaked clothes off and headed for the bathroom. Under different circumstance he would be feeling relaxed, sated. He had just slaughter an army of vampires. He should be relishing in his triumph. He wasn't. He didn't feel triumphant. He didn't feel relaxed. He felt empty.

In the one thousand years he had walked this earth, he had known anger, he had known pain, loneliness, betrayal, fear-courtesy of his father, but not this void, this hole in his heart. He had never experienced anything like this before.

It was unbearable. He wanted to claw his eyes out. He wanted to set his body on fire. He wanted to use his own hand and rip his heart out from his chest. He wanted to die, plain and simple.

Is this what my siblings felt when their bonded were killed? He wondered as he stepped inside the shower.

Klaus closed his eyes as the hot water cascaded down his skin. He scrubbed himself raw, washing the blood from his skin. The water at his feet going from a deep crimson to a light pink until it eventually ran clear once more. Even inside the shower he was reminded of Bonnie. Her shampoo was next to his, as well as her herbal scented soap. The one she had bought at one of the shops in the Quarter, on the day he had showed her his city.

She had been so happy that day, tapping into the magic that moved freely over the city. Our first date, she had called it later that night as they laid in bed.

Other memories came to him suddenly, of the day before in particular. He could still remember Bonnie's sighs of pleasure as he rubbed his hands over skin. She had been worried about the appointment, anxious of what the doctor would say to them. Klaus had successfully chased those worries away with his kisses and touches before they left for Covington. He had pressed her against the shower wall and tenderly eased away her fears. For a while, the world had been reduced to the two of them. The nerves and the worry had returned as they made their way to Dr. Mayfair's clinic of course.

Had it been just twenty four hours ago when they were nervous first time parents at their first prenatal appointment? It seemed like a lifetime ago, a world away. How everything could have changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. It seemed surreal.

Klaus remembered her words at the shopping mall as well. Such simple words but which had meant the world to him.

"Are you happy?" he had dared to asked. It was something that ate away at him, the fear that he couldn't make her happy. That one day she would walk away from him.

 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗦𝗢𝗡 𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗞 | (✔︎)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora