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"You have a lot of nerve," Qetsiyah spat angrily as she fulminated Bonnie with her gaze.

"I'm not sending you back, not yet." Bonnie stood her ground. She would not be intimated by her ancestor.

The Bennett witches gathered around her, looked back and forth between both women. They all felt the tension in the air. They felt the two powerful auras pressing against each other, ready to explode on command.

"She's the queen of our coven, Qetsiyah." Ayana reminded her softly. "Whether you like it or not, you have been summoned and you will obey our queen's command."

The other witches nodded. They all agreed with Ayana. Bonnie had summoned the Bennett coven, it was the reason they were here. They were bound to serve and obey their queen. Those were the sacred laws of their ancient line.

"The mighty Bennett coven," Qetsiyah laughed as she looked around the witches gathered in the forest. "What a pathetic lot you are."

"Such arrogance," Emily snapped. "You have spent two thousand years pinning after the man that betrayed you, locked away in that cave of yours. You are nothing more than a spiteful and bitter woman."

"Watch your tongue." Qetsiyah glared turning towards her. "You are no better than me. You spent your life as a servant to that doppelganger and what did you get out of it?" She laughed. "You were killed for your stupidity. What does it feel like to be burned?"

Emily took a step forward, a murderous look on her face.

"Don't listen to her," another witch got in the way. "She's saying that to provoke you."

Qetsiyah turned to her, "And what is your greatest accomplishment Ernestine?" her eyes glinted with malice, "you got yourself killed, another Bennett that met her end by her own doing."

Ernestine opened her mouth.

"That's enough!" Bonnie interrupted looking between Qetsiyah, Ernestine, and Emily. "I didn't bring you here to fight," she told them. "I summoned you here because the Bennett coven will be formed once more. We're family we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves."

"She's right," Ayana agreed. "We are at war and the only way we are going to win, is if we work together."

"Your war, not mine," Qetsiyah hissed. "All because of you." She turned to Bonnie then, looking her up and down with disdain, "pregnant by a hybrid. My, my, my, you have outdone us all."

Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"You should at least try and help us with the darkness," Ernestine muttered angrily.

"What's the darkness?" Lucy asked curiously. She had not missed the way her sister had stiffened upon Ernestine's words.

Bonnie also noticed the strange looks and nervous postures of her family members. She turned to her grandmother, "what's going on, Grams?"

Sheila and Ayana exchanged looks.

"We don't know for sure," Grams told her. "For some time now there is this void, this darkness that sweeps through the other side sucking the supernaturals right into it." They didn't know how it came to be or why, the only thing they knew was that somehow the darkness could not hurt them.

"Is it a portal?" Lenore suggested. Was the darkness sucking the dead supernaturals to another plane?

"Much worst," Amelia replied. "It destroys them." She shuddered as she remembered the vampires and werewolves that had been destroyed by the darkness. Even a witch or two had fallen prey to it. The only exception so far had been the Bennett witches. They were not only left untouched by the void consuming the other side but they could also fight it.

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