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It hurt.

Everything hurt.

She felt so cold. She didn't know where she was or what had happened, all she knew was the pain.

Why did it hurt?

Everything was dark.

She was inside a cloud of darkness, it frightened her.

Young Bonnie cried and cried but there was no one to hear her, no one to help her. She was alone in the darkness. She was in pain as well. Where was her dad? Where was her Grams?

What's going on?

"You have to be strong child, please don't give up."

A ghost of a hand on hers made her shiver. It was gentle and it was gone far too quickly.

She knew that voice, she would recognize it anywhere. "Grams?" Bonnie whimpered. She tried to take a step forward but she stopped. She couldn't see anything, only darkness. She was afraid to move, everything hurt and she was all alone. Why? She didn't like it. She was scared. "Grams?" tears spilled down her cheeks. "Where are you, Grams?" She wanted to go home with her dad and her Grams. She didn't like this place.

"Never give up Bonnie."

"I'm scared," Bonnie cried into the darkness. "Grams! Where are you?" She didn't want to be here, she wanted to go home. "Grams!" she cried again.

And that's when she saw it, a beautiful white light that destroyed the darkness and pushed it away from her. Bonnie moved her face away and closed her eyes as the bright light nearly blinded her.

"Don't be afraid..." a voice whispered.

Bonnie gasped and turned back to face the source of that voice.

A strange white ball of light emerged from nothing, beautiful blinding rays of magic emerged from it, going straight towards Bonnie, like tentacles reaching out for her. She took a fearful step back.

"Don't be afraid..." a sweet gentle voice said. "You are safe, Bonnie. You have nothing to fear."

Bonnie stood completely still as the white light grew closer. It was moving towards her and as it moved it grew and grew until it began to take the shape of a woman. Bonnie gasped, green eyes opening wide with wonder.

The powerful rays emanating from the strange ghostly figure destroyed the darkness that was surrounding her. The cold chilling her bones disappeared, the pain inflecting her body vanished as well. She was suddenly engulfed in warmth, so much warmth her skin tingled and her cheeks turned red. A feeling of peace washed over her. It felt so wonderful.

Bonnie no longer felt afraid. She knew she was safe.

"Who are you?"


Bonnie woke up with a loud gasp. The pain and fear lingered inside her mind for a couple of seconds as well as that surprising warmth that made her tingle all over. She groaned and pulled herself into a sitting position.

"Are you alright?" Klaus stood by the foot of bed, he was just finishing getting dressed.

"Yeah," Bonnie yawn before she pulled her arms over her head and stretched. "What time is it?"

"A little past eight." Klaus made his way towards her.

"I had the weirdest dream," Bonnie murmured still trying to make sense of it. "I was a child and I was trapped, I think." She wasn't entirely sure. "I was surrounded by darkness and then I saw this light, this bright white light and I think it was a woman or it turned into a woman..." she trailed off and shook her head. "It was weird." It hadn't made sense.

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