Light & Life

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I was floating softly through the dark. It was warm, and forgiving. It felt like peace, but something was wrong. I couldn't go anywhere; there were limits to the dark. Now and then I would bump into the limit and float back. In that brief time I had contact to the limit I was able to hear. What I herd was completely random. A shout, a whisper, the ringing of metal. I could also feel things in the brief time. My arms would burn with pain. I could feel my legs again; stiff and heavy. Once my eye felt like it was ripped out. I seemed to be bumping into the limit more often. Almost like the limit was shrinking in size. After hitting one limit I would float for a second before hitting another. Each time I herd more clearly and the pain grew worse. It got to the point where I couldn't move at all; forcing me to hear, feel, and now smell. I could smell sweat, chemicals, and something burnt. My mouth tasted like metal as the limits pressed around me. Molding around me and then squeezing tightly. It felt like I was being crushed. Not knowing what else to do, I screamed. Suddenly I was thrown from the dark. I felt my feet, my legs, my arms, my hands, my fingers, my heart beating. I clenched my eyes shut then threw them open. A bright light shown into my eyes. A human was peering into my face. My right eye began acting weird. It seemed to scan the human's face. Femme and human appeared beside her. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around the room. I was in some kind of lab. On the counter closest to me was a jug of red liquid and and an empty jug with small drops of blue liquid left. Beside that was bloody, fleshy, parts. "Take it easy. Take nice easy breaths." The woman said. Someone snickered. "What's so funny, Luke." The woman said turning around. Luke stepped away from the door and walked over. My right eye scanned the human mech and human appeared again. "So this is Ace." Luke said looking at me. "You still haven't answered me." The woman said. "You told an it to breath when it doesn't have lungs." Luke chuckled. I stared wide eyed at him. "That's right, you lost all your parts that made you human." Luke said in a childish voice. "How?" I rasped. "Well-"
"Oh spare her the details." The woman said. "It asked so I will give it an answer, Mary." Luke snapped. "Just because your Leland's nephew doesn't mean your in charge." Mary shot back. Luke scowled. "How about I tell Silas that and then you and your family can starve on the streets!" Luke said. That got Mary to shut up. "Now where were we?" Luke said turning his attention back to me. "Ah, yes. How you lost your human parts. Well most of you -your lower half, most of your arms, lungs, heart, eye, etc. was either removed by us or burned." Luke said sweetly. I blinked. "Why take my parts." I asked. "Well we wanted to see how energon affected humans and well..." Luke trailed off and shrugged. I stared in shock. "Your probably wondering how your alive after we removed all those things. Well one of our 'soldiers' found an odd rock that reacted to machines. Made them come to life before we killed them. Then I thought, 'could it bring humans back to life?' So we put it in you. For three hours nothing happened, then some of the energon still inside you began to react and you began radiating this energy. At first we thought it was the energon but when Mary here touched the rock we jammed inside your chest you screamed." Luke said. I looked down at my body. My legs were made of metal skin along with my arms. I pulled the loose top I had on. A long cut going down my chest had been stitched closed. "Oh and the energon turned your hair white." Luke said plucking a hair and showing it to me. "Isn't it time for you to report to Leland." Mary said. Luke glared at her before turning around and leaving. Mary walked over to a table and grabbed a cup. "Here drink this. It'll make it easier for you to move and talk." Mary said holding the cup out. It was filled with a blue liquid
I nodded thanks and took it. "Sorry you had to hear that after coming back. Luke just doesn't care about what he says." Mary said while I drank. "How long was I ... dead." I said putting the cup down.
"Six months."
My jaw dropped. "Luke left out a lot of details." Mary said placing a hand on my head. I looked at her weird. "I'm sorry it was you." Mary said.

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