Chapter 7

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Astus woke up the day after with a pitiful groan before turning around and burying his head into the pillow. By now the whole school must know what happened, and most of the students' parents also knew.

Great. Just bloody great. What was it with him and surviving Avada Kedavra anyway? First two times he understood although telling Poppy, hell anyone, was out of the question, but this third one? He had no bloody idea why he survived that one. More importantly; why did he allow himself to get hit?! He was never a great planner, but please, he could have avoided that one!

Oh well… he might as well go up and face the school. He sat up.

And promptly lay down again with a moan of pain. Maybe he would not face the school right this moment. His body was still sore, and he was still in a bit of pain mind you, and it all made him just a tiny bit uncomfortable. He dragged the covers over himself and muttered to the pillow about stupid spells and stupid snarky Dark Lords. Oh Merlin, where was ever-planning Hermione when he needed her?

Right. She had not been born yet. He just had to wait for about seventeen years or so for her to get born. And then maybe a few more so she could actually think and speak with him.

Hmm. Maybe he should start using his own brain, since without brain he would be dead well before she was born.

"Good morning, Astus. What did I say about your language?" Oh dear, was the healer that quiet?

Astus peeked up above the covers, into Poppy's face. Or maybe it was him who was too deep in his own head. He suspected the latter.

"But he is evil!" the man protested before childishly hiding his face underneath the covers again.

"No need to swear because of that," she said. "Can you sit?"

"I tried just moments ago. It hurt."

"Alright, you're staying here until you feel fine."

"Who is taking care of Severus?"

"Abraxas offered to stay in your quarters. They should be having breakfast soon, and then I believe Abraxas will join us."

"Oh, how nice of him to do that."

"Well, Severus has been a hassle though. He seems intent to make us live through hell. After you fell asleep yesterday, he managed to turn Abraxas' hair neon green."

"He did that?" Astus said. "I feel slightly sorry I missed that."

"And then he turned Albus' hair into blue dreadlocks," the woman continued, tapping her foot into the floor.

"Why do I always miss the fun stuff?" Astus whined and she slumped her shoulders with a sigh.

"How did I know you would only think it was funny?"

"Wait a minute; you thought for a moment I wouldn't think it was funny?" the man exclaimed, shocked. "How cruel!"

"Just sit up properly and I will have breakfast brought to you, you brat." How unfair; he was actually eighteen already!

Astus did so, slowly. He leaned back against the pillows and fingered on the blanket in his lap. He was dressed in a loose T-shirt and wondered where it came from. It was a Muggle attire, and he was quite sure he was not friends with anyone in contact with the Muggle world.

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