Chapter 14

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Even though it had turned to August it was still hot, and Albus fanned his face a bit as he had a look around. The Order members discussed new plans or instructed the newest recruits about the Order. It had grown larger, and he was proud of that.

But Merlin it was hot. His brain would surely melt if he didn't get out of this hall immediately. It was not like they were discussing anything important. He raised his voice:

"Why don't we all go out and have some fresh air, clear our thoughts?"

Since some discussions had bordered to become uncomfortable, this suggestion was greatly appreciated and they all moved out from the Great Hall and to the Entrance doors. Albus took a great breath of relief and Minerva looked over at him.

"I think most of us appreciated that," she said. "They were getting unusually worked up."

"Frustration gets even to the best of us," the man said. "A bit of air, clear the atmosphere and maybe a more pleasant topic before I send them home to their families. No one should go home angry."

People did not wander far from the doors but enough to get out on the grass and let the wind take away their negative emotions.

It was Moody who spotted them first. He squinted first, then turned to Albus and said:

"Did you invite someone to the castle, Albus?"

"No, I didn't," the headmaster replied. "Why?"

"There are two people approaching from the gate."

The gates to Hogwarts' grounds should be locked and warded. No one should be able to get in unless Albus let them. He walked up to the man and looked as well.

One of them was shorter, and walked with the pace of a child. The other, long and graceful steps, unhurried in their path yet efficient. Elegant simply put. It looked not completely correct, so it was probably something this person had learned. The man had long, dark hair and his robe was simple but luxurious-looking, gleaming green when the light hit at a certain angle. Underneath he had a simple black shirt and black slacks. Despite Albus' good eyes he could not see the face just yet.

The child was not dressed in a robe but a shirt and pants. The hair reached his shoulders, and he bounced a little next to the man. His father maybe?

They came closer, and Albus recognized the face. His eyes widened, and they sought out the child, drank the sight in, then back at the man. They were a sight for sore eyes. He had not seen them for too long.

He began to walk.


Severus grabbed Astus' hand and said:

"Dad, who are they?"

"They must be friends to Albus," Astus replied. He knew it was the Order but recognized few of them. He spotted Moody and a few of the professors and then Albus started to walk towards them.

Astus wondered briefly about Abraxas, then shook it away; he never mixed with the Order officially, making some of the members believe he was with the dark side. Maybe Albus would let him contact the blonde.

"That's Albus," Severus continued.

"Yes, it is. Why don't you go ahead and say hi to him?"

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