Chapter 10

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Astus decided a Wednesday night is as good as any other night to search for a Horcrux and pulled out the cloak and map. Making sure Severus was comfortably asleep, thanks to a few drops of Dreamless sleep potion in his warm milk, the young man slipped out the quarters.

Walking along the dark corridors safely hidden underneath the cloak, he made his way to the seventh floor where the Room of Requirement was located. Thinking hard while walking past three times, he sighed in relief as the door appeared. Looking at the map for any teachers, finding none, he slipped inside and shut the door.

Walking up and down the shelves, he tried to remember where it had been and shutting out the memories of the Fiendfyre that had destroyed the diadem the last time. The smell of burnt flesh, Hermione's screams as she was turned to ashes.

Astus stopped for a few moments, took deep breaths and fought against the memories that threatened to overpower him for a moment. She had died in this room. She had saved his life, in exchange for her own. Her heart was already gone though, having been lost the moment that Dementor sucked out Ron's life.

He felt the heat of the Fiendfyre, reared back and then opened his eyes. No fire. No death. Just rows and rows of shelves, filled with all kinds of things. Taking a deep breath, he began searching again.

Returning an hour later, Astus was glad to notice no one had been inside his quarters while he was gone and stuffed away the now not-missing diadem, cloak and map before going and checking on Severus.

The boy was deep asleep, and Astus sat down carefully on the child's bed, watching the chest sink and rise, smiled a bit and tucked a few strands of black hair behind Severus' ear before walking out of the room and closing the door gently. He had an assignment to do before going to bed after all.

Exams were not Astus' strong side. Had never been, probably would never be. They were more Hermione's type of thing. Give him a creature to fight though, or a Snitch to catch, and yes, Astus will do that. But exams…

Rubbing his forehead with a small groan the young man walked out of the room after a day with exams. He looked at the time and saw it was close dinner, and Severus had not seen him since breakfast. He wondered how the boy had coped.

Coming into the Dining Hall and to the Head Table, and he found out.

Severus wound his arms and legs around Astus the moment the man sat down, buried his face into Astus' shoulder and promptly refused to move.

"Severus," he whispered gently, stroking the black hair as he heard people beginning to eat. "Severus, it's alright, you're here with me now. Please, can you look at me?"

The boy sniffed and glanced up. Astus smiled and wound an arm around the child's middle, continuing softly:

"It's alright. Aren't you hungry?"

As on cue, Severus' stomach growled but while the boy blushed he still refused to let go.

"Come on, let's get you seated right. I won't go anywhere; you knew I had things to do today."

Severus allowed himself to be turned in Astus' lap but refused to leave it for his own chair. The young man did not try to make him.

Trevin could not help but shake his head. He had just finished NEWTs in DADA with the seventh-years, including Zack and Astus, and he knew what Astus deserved. Top grade. There was no way he couldn't get it. The man had talent, a lot of it. The talent, and the grace when fighting. He knew almost too much about fighting and duelling.

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