Chapter 5

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Astus bent his head forward as Poppy massaged in the cream on his back, easing the tense muscles. She was extra careful due to the state of his body even though he started to lay on weight. She was glad for that, but still did not like she could feel his ribs and spine so easily.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" she asked with a smile.


She laughed a bit and moved to give him the potions. Astus got up his head and took each one without complaint. He thought of the Transfiguration essay he still had to do and then some playtime with Severus. Otherwise it was all cool; all homework was done and he had nothing he had to do for the following day.

"Alright, let's get you up and see your weight."

Astus rose up and dressed in his shirt again before following her. He stood on it and let her do her thing. He never before had weighed himself so it was a surprise when she insisted the first time. Now the medic witch smiled at him and said:

"You've gained 7 pounds!"

"Is that a good thing…?"

"Of course it is!"

Astus looked down at himself; it did not really look like it but he knew what she said was more or less orders.

When Albus entered the rooms later that night, he was met by a sight that was becoming more and more frequent.

Astus was sprawled out on the couch, Severus sleeping on his stomach and the young man nearly asleep. Sleepy eyes turned to look at the headmaster and Albus chuckled. They were so sweet, both Severus and Astus. He walked up to the couch and gently lifted the child up. Severus stirred but with some hushed whispers he fell back to sleep. Albus left Astus alone for a moment as he put Severus to bed before returning back to the living room.

"Come on," Albus said with a smile to Astus, "you need to go to bed."

"I'm working on it," the young man mumbled and managed to sit up.

The headmaster supported him as he stumbled into the bedroom. The young man kicked his shoes off before falling onto the bed, curling up in the middle. He felt Albus tuck him in and turned his head towards the older man.

"Don't worry; I'll stay here tonight. I'll make sure Severus is fine. Go to sleep."

Astus was too tired to say against the man.

DADA was a really interesting class, but really did he have to have it with Gryffindors? It seemed like sixth year Gryffindors this year was pure hell. Astus nearly wanted to scream in frustration at the loud noises; no one paid attention to what they were supposed to pay attention to.

"Everyone listen up!" the DADA teacher, a man with the name Trevin Fabule, called out. "The class has started, so everyone in their seats and keep quiet!"

At least the teacher was strict. Astus was glad Albus watched Severus at these classes; he now did not have to worry about the boy. Slowly the Gryffindors sat down, some of them eyeing Astus with the normal 'he's so much lower than us'-look. Said man ignored it, although he wished he could hex them… just a little bit. A Hermione-bonk came immediately on his head, he could never really escape her hits anyway true or fake, and he caught himself before he could wince. He did however, stop thinking about hexing them… for a little while anyway.

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