Chapter 21

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Severus was packing for his third year when Astus came into his room.

"Just two more days, huh?" the man said.

"Yeah," Severus replied, folding a shirt and placing it in the trunk.

"Time flies by when all you want is for it to slow down," the man continued. "Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm almost finished," the boy said.

"Got all of your books?"

"Yeah, those I packed first. The trunk is fine for now but I had a bit of trouble to fit in all my potions ingredients."

"It's because you have too many of them, you little potions master," Astus said and sat down on the bed. He peered into the trunk. "I guess we should invest in a new one, perhaps with a separate compartment for your potions things."

"That sounds nice," the boy agreed and folded a pair of pants before looking it over. "I think that's all."

"Usually kids doesn't start packing until the night before," Astus said and tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong!" Severus said. "I just don't want to panic on the last day!"

"Alright, alright, I believe you."

Severus dragged the trunk down from the bed and sat down on the bed next to his father.

"Where are Abraxas and Lucius?"

"In the living room I think," the man said. "Lucius always ran late with his packing."

"That's because Lucius is lazy," Severus replied and Astus smiled at that. "And so are you."

"Yes, and I'm proud of it. Glad though you didn't turn out the same. Now let's go!"

Astus pulled his son with him to the living room where the two Malfoys looked up from a heavy tome, and Abraxas closed it.

"Malfoy history again?" Astus asked.

"It takes time to go through it all," Abraxas protested. "Plus Lucius gets headaches."

"I can't believe we actually have to read about our family history this diligently," Lucius moaned and fell back against the couch. "I feel like I'm back in school again. I'm sure there will be an exam at one point or another."

"Oh, I was planning on one about the general affairs the Malfoys had with the Ministry during the 18th century," Abraxas said with a straight face.

The look on Lucius' face was priceless.


Severus met up with Lily and her family at the station, much to Petunia's joy. Astus marvelled over how his aunt was now, both as young and someone who had been accepted by magical people. She even ran over to him and hugged him tightly, making Severus and Lilly laugh at the shock on his face.

The young woman chatted a mile a minute with him while they waited for the train, and Astus did his best to keep up with her train of thoughts. But he never told her to be quiet, or to change subject, or to do anything to make her change what she was doing. Because he could see how happy it made her, and honestly, as long as she was happy he was as well.

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