Chapter 2

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Harry opened his eyes with a groan and rolled over to his stomach, slowly getting up until he was sitting on his knees. He bumped into a trunk, his own trunk, to his left and blinked before looking around. Then he opened the trunk and found to his surprise his entire life crammed into it, no doubt was the trunk under some sort of expanding-spell within. Despite this, he was surprised his whole life fitted in one trunk. Hermione for example, her books alone would have filled five.

Shrinking the trunk and putting it in his pocket Harry struggled to his feet. He heard laughter not far away and looked down at his clothes. He could pass as a Muggle and had a look around. He seemed to be nearby a Muggle neighbourhood. Patting his pockets he was glad to also discover his pouch with money. Having taken everything out of his vault he had at least enough to survive for a while.

He began to walk, away from the park he had landed in and now down a Muggle street. He spotted a few Muggles and saw he wasn't in his own time. He couldn't say when, but he definitely was in the past. His wand, safely against his lower arm, itched to get out so he could get the date but he didn't dare do it right now.

One of the houses was abandoned and he snuck inside it, made sure no one was there and then took out his wand.

"Tempus," he whispered.

25th of June 1963

The hand holding the wand slackened a bit as he stared at the date before it vanished. His own parents should be around three years old, same with Severus. Where was the man, boy, anyway? Both of his parents, from what he knew, had happy childhoods; it was the potions master's childhood Harry wouldn't mind changing. He placed the wand in his palm and said:

"Point me Severus Snape."

To his surprise, the tip moved to the old house opposite of this abandoned one. He could see it from the window. Harry walked out of the house and looked closer on the house opposite. Then around the neighbourhood before turning back to the house. And it clicked.

"Spinner's End," Harry breathed out.

That's when he heard a woman's shout. She sounded desperate, almost frantic as she was shouting at someone. Harry rushed over the road, up to the door and wrenched it open, not sure if it had been locked or not. The wand in his hand, Harry stepped into the house.

A man with crazy eyes, Muggle gun aimed at a woman, both not noticing Harry and then the man shouted:

"Go to hell, woman!"

He fired, and Harry gasped. His eyes widened, mouth open in shock. This was something he most definitely didn't expect.

The bullet hit Eileen Prince straight in the chest. She staggered backwards, hand coming up to the chest before she fell, coughing up blood. The man, who could be no one else than Tobias Snape, now saw him and then the wand. He screamed and turned the gun towards Harry but the raven-haired man was quicker, whipping the wand up and sending Tobias flying into the wall.

Then he ran forward, kneeling next to Eileen and took a hold of her hand. The dying witch coughed again, staring up at him with dark eyes before saying:

"Please… please, you have to… take care of him."

"Him who?" Harry asked.

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