Chapter 6

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"Rabastan has been expelled," Albus told Astus.

"For his actions against me?" the young man asked.

"Yes, also taken in the fact he has been rather hostile ever since you came here," the headmaster replied. "Any idea why?"

"None whatsoever," Astus said and looked up from Severus. "I'm good in classes and the teachers like me?"

"That's the only reason for him to try to seriously hurt you and Severus?"

"Apparently," the younger of the two said before returning to wipe Severus' mouth clean. "Honestly Albus, did you have to give Severus chocolate?"

"Yes, I had to," Albus said, not reacting that Astus had stopped saying headmaster and such at him. He liked it when the young man called him 'Albus', it sounded more personal then. "And he loves it."

"Yes, but he's making a mess!" Astus said and pinched the boy's little nose. Severus looked up and exclaimed happily:


"Yes, daddy's here," Astus replied absently. "And you are taking a bath when we get back."

Severus slapped a chocolate-covered hand on Astus' cheek. Astus' eyes widened a fraction for a moment and the two stared at each other. Then the man gave a deep sigh and said:

"And it seems like I will take a bath as well."

"Daddy looks funny," the child said to Albus who only laughed.

"Alright, down you go!"

Severus let himself be placed in the bathtub, the water high enough to cover his chubby legs. Astus cleaned his own face and pulled his hair up in a ponytail before he began to clean Severus.


"Alright, alright they're coming… look, bubbles," Astus said and waved the bubbles to Severus' direction. He used the distraction to pour some shampoo onto the child's black hair and rolled up his sleeves before fully beginning to rub the substance in. Severus ignored this in favour for the bubbles. Astus shut off the water once it reached the child's waist and let the boy chase the bubbles as he sat on the edge and watched. He thought over what homework he had, and decided to do the Transfiguration today and begin on his Charms work.

"Alright, let's get the shampoo out from your hair," Astus said and waved to the boy. Severus dutifully got closer and let 'his' daddy rinses it out. "Want to stay in a bit longer?"


"Alright, do so."

"Daddy not bathing?"

"Daddy is taking one later," Astus replied. "Don't worry."

"But me want daddy to bath as well!"

Astus considered this. One bath could not hurt, and if he let the water run for another minute it was going to cover him pretty well. And it was not like the tub was little. It was actually rather big.

He stripped down to his underwear and folded the clothes carefully. He then stepped in and shut the water off, leaving the water in the tub perfect warm temperature. As he sank into the warmth Severus climbed up on him and rested his warm body against the man's chest. Astus let him play around while he carefully soaked his own hair after having pulling it out from the ponytail.

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