Chapter 8

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Abraxas woke up to the sound of Astus' voice and sat up on the couch.

"Wha?" It took him a while to fully wake up in the mornings and he turned his head to the younger man.

"It's a snowstorm," Astus said and looked outside again.


"Abraxas dear, do you require some coffee?"

"Coffee? I dunno… probably…"

"Might I remind you your hair is still pink?"


"Yes, really."

Abraxas got up from the couch, still half-asleep mind you, and looked at the younger man. He then turned to the closest mirror and had a look. He rubbed his eyes, blinked a few times and had another look just to make sure he really was seeing right.

"My eyebrows are pink too," he said.

"That they are," Astus agreed.

"How come your hair looks normal?"

"I'm nice to the children."

"I hadn't done anything… I think."

"You exist, that's enough."

"That's cruel, Astus…"

Astus stuck out his tongue and went to wake up Severus. Abraxas flattened his hair a bit and went to the bathroom.

Astus was not quite sure why he was outside in the snowstorm as he could not see much and it was bitterly cold. Yet he stayed where he was, wrapping the winter-cloak tighter around himself and very pleased for the warming spell he had put on it before he went outside.

Severus was staying with Abraxas and Lucius, although Abraxas had not wanted him to walk out in the storm alone. Astus had insisted he was fine.

Within a few minutes of walking, Astus realized he was not quite sure where he was. He looked around but all he saw was whiteness. He tried to call for Hogwarts but she was resting, too deeply to hear his weak call on the grounds.

"Bloody hell," he muttered and looked around. Where did he come from? He could not even see his foot-steps in the snow. Swearing he began to walk again and hoped it would stay light for a little while longer so he actually could get back inside the castle.

He walked into a tree and fell down.

"What the hell?!"

He looked further ahead.

"Great," he muttered as he got up. "I'm at the Forbidden Forest."

He made his way inside and to his relief the storm was not as much noticeable inside the forest. He looked outside and saw the snow raging.

"Looks like I have to wait this one out," he murmured, then shivered. "I officially admit I'm an idiot." He looked around. "But I guess there isn't anyone here to hear me."

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