Chapter 23

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Arthur spoke taking me back from the memories of us to the present. "That's right," he agreed with me. That is the trick I shouldn't have fallen for back then. I rolled my eyes and couldn't stand having him in one seat with my friends so I stood up and began walking away.

From a few meters, I heard Britney politely speaking. "Umm, sir, I'm really sorry about that," but I ignored it and kept walking though I had no idea where to go next. All I wanted was to get away from him. So without directions, I marched all around the huge mansion.

I scattered my eyes and found a staircase leading to the second floor so I began walking with it pointing my eyes to the people murmuring up there. When I reached the top, I kept striding until I sat on one of the chairs beside a door standing as a port for a room. It was a spot away from the loud music, from the people, and most especially: Arthur.

I was there staring at the people drinking, girls gossiping, and some doing things that I don't want to talk about. I'm supposed to have fun this night. But I can't. I'm here for the laughter, for dancing and doing nice things but how am I supposed to be free when my secret ex-boyfriend is here and anytime, he can embarrass me in front of the kids from our school and some are even from other campuses.

Watching the other kids living the night I wanted to, I sighed heavily trying to accept the fact that no matter how much you try to have a great time, some people would always be there to ruin it, to ruin you, to ruin everything as they did before.

"Someone's sad at a party she's supposed to be happy and enjoying at," I recognized the voice and so I looked beside me finding a smirking jerk. Eros. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile. His messy hair shows how much he has done tonight and his smirk shows that he's fine as hell and still sober.

He slowly parked himself beside me and began rubbing the surface of his blue ripped jeans. We both kept silent and stared at the wind. "You can tell me anything you want." His voice is as cold as the breeze of the air conditioner inside.

I haven't even told Britney or Shane or anyone but myself about it. And he thinks I should tell him? We used to be close and right now, we still are but not like how we were before. And I'm not that confident about telling him such things anymore. Because we're not kids like we used to be. "Come on! I would listen, I won't judge, I will shut my mouth, promise I won't tell anyone!"

He even rose his hands showing how he tried to take an oath. And then crossed his heart like a little boy talking to me. He used to be that cute when we were kids. I hid it but, in the end, I ended up laughing more. "What's with the laughter?" He was kind of insulted already.

So, I hid my laughter just not to offend him. I don't like it when people sulk because of me. "Sorry, the way you swore is just a little childish."

"Anything wrong with being childish?" He rose his eyebrows trying to give me a be careful with your answer look. "Nothing, you just look cutely funny with it." He rolled his eyes hiding his smile.

"See, you're cute when you try to not make it obvious that you're laughing," he crossed his arms like a kid who didn't get what he wants.

"I'm cute whatever I do," here goes his cool kid mood.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"Look, if you're going to keep that for yourself, then, you would end up looking like a scientist who's trying to cure the failure of her own experiment." He was right, I am already a girl trying to give solutions to my problems which just gives me more problems instead of lessening them.

"Fine, but can we please not talk about it here?"

"The people around us are already drunk. Just keep your voice down."

"I know but can we at least go outside?"

"There are more people out there than here."

"What about a room?"

He nodded then opened the door beside us and we entered. The curtains were held down and a huge chandelier from the ceiling was dimmed. I wonder whose room is this. The bed was also enormous and there was a sofa in front of it and a TV hanging on the wall.

I sat on the floor and he sat a few meters away from me, on the bed. I rested my head on the wall behind me and began talking.

"Do you know Arthur Culpo?" I can't believe I'm about to tell him everything about it.

"Yeah, that hot professor Britney was talking in the car earlier? Why? You like him, don't you?"

"Liked is different from like," I stated.

"Woah, so, you liked him, huh?" He pointed to the word 'like' with the d accent, in the end, to show he understood the past tense thing I wanted him to know.

"A few years ago,"

"What do you mean?"

"Eros! Arthur is my ex!"

"Umm, what?"

"I got into a relationship with him back when I was in ninth grade,"

"Oh, so?"

"We broke up like the other couples out there. He got bored about me, found somebody else after a week, and all."

"Hold up, I really thought you are single since birth."

"I was."

"Okay?" He continued after a pause. "He's, here right?"

"That's why I came up here. The pain comes back whenever I see his face."

"Look, I've never been into a relationship before but all I can tell you is forgetting and forgiving is the best thing you can do to move on."

"That's what I did for three years and nothing worked."

"Everything takes time."

"Please don't tell anyone about this. No one, I mean literally no one but yourself."

"Does Britney know this thing already?" Even inside this room, the music can still be heard.

"No one but you and I." I calmly said.

"Wait, so, she doesn't?" His face looked so confused.

"That's why it's a secret!" I slightly screamed.

"Fine, you can trust me." The soft smile on his face showed me a state of promise. Now that someone else knows about it, I feel like the very sharp bone was taken off my throat. 

HIP #3: Forgetting The Old UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora