Episode 39 - remote controlled.

Start from the beginning

Rex: right, come on. We'll have to go top side.

As they went up on the streets, they found an Evo begging for his collar to be removed.

Rex: hold still, I'll try to...

He placed his hands on the collar and he tried to use his technopathy to turn the collar off, however as he tried to, the collar sprayed out some of its mist and not only did it get the Evo, but it also got rex who was immobilized as he fell to the floor.

Circe: REX!

Bobo got out his blasters and he started to try and attack the Evo, although he found that he was out of ammo.

Bobo: I thought I charged these things last night.

The Evo started to attack Bobo, although Circe was able to use her screech to get it to change its focus onto her and after a few minutes she spotted that the Evo stood still for a moment before fighting again. She screeched at it again, this time harder and louder and the Evo eventually fell to the floor, without her doing anything to it that would cause it to do that.

Circe: I hate those collars, there inhumane.

Bobo: we're not exactly human.

Circe: and that's how providence is getting away with this.

Rex managed to get himself up, and as he got up, he spotted the arcade that was only behind them. He could also here some of the kids talking, and he understood them well enough

Kid: I can't believe how much they're paying us to play theses arcade games.

Kid 2: I know right, especially since arcades went out of style ages ago.

Circe: are you ok rex?

Rex: I'm fine, but that didn't feel like the first time I was under their control.

Circe: she's probably changed the formulae some since we you got under her control at the beginning of all of this.

Rex: I don't think that's the case. It was more like I was a character with a controller unplugged. Or disconnected or whatever you want to call it.

Bobo: you're comparing this to video games?

Rex: that's for a reason. I think something's going on here. Cloaks on.

Circe got her hood back up as rex got his back on and Bobo hid in rex's cloak. They walked into the arcade, and they found that the many different machines had varying controls for a stick and a button to gloves that you could ware. But all of them had the same VR headset that you would be asked to ware.

Circe: is it just me or do theses, look like Evos we've seen in Hong Kong before?

Bobo: yeah, I swear I saw that guy just down the street.

Rex: let's ask a manager.

After walking around, they found the manager and rex struck up a conversation.

Rex: hey, so I can't help but notice that many of these machines have Evos that I've seen around here.

Manager: we make all of these machines in house, so we have to model the enemies based on something.

Circe: not all Evos are bad you know.

Manager: I know, but they make for great enemies designs.

Circe: that's disgusting and we're out of here.

As they walk out, they are spotted by the security system and quarry looked over at his monitor then at the three figures behind him.

Quarry: you know what to do, collar and capture.

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