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——— thirty|a breakfast hangout ———

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

——— thirty|a breakfast hangout ———

Han Yoona side-glanced the man that was seated beside her, a quiet whistle of the tune of the music being played escaped her painted lips. They've finished filming in the first location on their list, taking a break before leaving the place to travel to their second location. They were inside a restaurant that offered breakfast meals, and though they took the important meal of the day hours ago, they were famished and decided to order for a second round of breakfast.

It appeared the restaurant was known for its killer meals that it was a full house early in the morning, so Jimin took this time to scan through his takes of his muse. He did though, but after watching at least five clips, he handed the camera to the peeking girl and went to his little dreamland, too tired to the point he didn't tell the girl he's taking a quick nap. It was only when Yoona heard no commentaries that she noticed he's fast asleep, his head hanging low, his hat shielding his face from the public's eyes.

Yoona took a glance back at the sleeping figure once again, her mind racking with assumptions of what he was about to say an hour ago. What was weird to say? Why did he hesitated on telling her what was on his mind?

She's not dense.

She could feel the sudden change of aura whenever he's with her for the past weeks. Ever since they talked about the shared kiss and set boundaries, something definitely change, but she can't put a name as to what. She first thought of it as reminding themselves of what they conversed back then, but the more she spent her time with him, the more she could see that it was not it. It's more than that.

And whatever it was, it's somehow affecting her as well. Though she doesn't know how and what was changing within her, she could definitely feel the alterations it was making.

In the middle of rewinding a clip he took of her inside the museum, a weight fell on top of her head. She tensed up upon the sudden contact, relaxing a bit once she remembered she's not alone and trailed her gaze away from the small screen and to the sleeping boy. Yoona shifted in her seat, scooting closer to his figure to somewhat ease the tension in his neck, almost leaning her own head down to his shoulders, before lifting her hand up and letting it rest over the other side of his face. She gently fixed the way he was leaning down on her, lightly patting his cheek after.

The silence that was enveloping them was comforting, shutting out the unwanted noises from the complaining people around them, as if they're all alone in the world. Too engrossed in rewatching clips over clips, the sudden ring of a phone brought her out of a stance, almost waking Jimin up by her body jolting up in pure surprise. Her eyes snapped down on the ringing device resting on the table, warily taking his phone and looking at the caller ID. Busan #2.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒. 𝐩𝐣𝐦Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ