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——— fifteen|downpour ———

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——— fifteen|downpour ———

A happy exhale escaped Jimin's lips as they entered the last gallery on their list of visit, the ashen color of navy painted the huge canvas resting above, no specks of yellow were visible that even the perfect circle of glowing hue of the said color stayed hidden behind the translucent fluff of compacted air.

It looked like it will rain, and Jimin was already dreading it once his eyes casted over the sky.

Yoona stopped from walking, stretching out her limbs as she tried to hide her yawn from the public's eyes. Jimin could sense the tiredness that was radiating off of her at the moment, so he wanted nothing but to finish this as soon as possible so they could head home and call it a day.

But sometimes luck is not their side.

They stood across a huge painting, an artwork they would both like to call a frown was painted in their exhausted faces. They were told the curator wasn't around at the moment and might be running late— possibly even later than the closing of the gallery. And so they stood there, waiting, and waiting, and continue on waiting.

"I want to go home." Yoona whined as she childishly crossed her arms, attempting to jump and punch the air in restlessness. Jimin could only sigh and ran his fingers through his dark locks, leaving her alone to talk to one of the staff stationed near them.

As he opened his mouth to ask the whereabouts of the curator, the staff beat him to it. "He's on his way."

"You said that half an hour ago." He could only sigh out and place his hand on his hips, stopping a scoff when the staff simply rose a brow at him. "Is he really on his way?"

"He is."

"Listen," he started out, chuckling a bit as he brought his arm up, pointing at his wrist watch and showing the indicated time. "Oh! Would you look at the time. It's 11 p.m! We've been waiting since 9, 2 hours have passed and you kept on telling us he's on his way. It's fine if he's not, we'll simply return tomorrow or when the curator's finally available."

He sensed a new presence beside him, not daring to look at whoever it was that decided to join the conversation. Maybe another staff that saw the quiet commotion? Or perhaps the curator had finally showed up?

But the sweet fragrance of vanilla wrapped him like ivy vines, and his tensed figure visibly relaxed. Taking an even breathing, he asked once more, "so please tell me if he's really coming or not."

The staff clenched his jaw, guilt washing across his tired face. "He's on his way."

"Unbelievable." Jimin chuckled out and cleared his throat, ready to spew out more questions and push the poor staff to the edge, but Yoona placed a hand on his arm and tugged the sleeve of his shirt, urging him to snap his gaze back down to see the woman sporting a disappointed look. Her eyes was set on the guilty staff who gulped and looked away from the two, furiously pulling on his fingers every now and then.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒. 𝐩𝐣𝐦Where stories live. Discover now