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——— thirteen|unusual ———

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——— thirteen|unusual ———


Jimin shielded his eyes from the blinding sun, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he read what the sign hanging by the glass door said. OPENS 12:00P.M DAILY!

It was only 8 in the morning.

"We should've checked their schedules."

He could only hum in response, glancing down at the girl beside him who was in the middle of tying her hair up. He took a double take, frozen in his spot as he discreetly— well, tried to discreetly watched her. His eyes first rested on her slow-blinking ones, her lashes coated with black mascara and eyelids dusted with a soft reddish hue that brought out her grey contacts. The minuscule frown soon made its way to her eyebrows as she focused on keeping her locks clean and empty of strays, bundling it all up behind her.

His gaze then slid down on her nose before resting on the plump curves below, which he can't seem to not look at without feeling the urge to just press his own on top. The soft lips that was painted with the shade of pink was inviting; alluring, bringing him in like a siren's call.


He snapped out of his trance, gulping subtly as he immediately set his sight anywhere but her. Though his mind stayed on her, compliments and comments about her overlapped at the back of his mind. He tried to push it down, let it be at rest, but the more he constrict the flow of unsaid sweets, the more it overflows and leave him with a sea of discomfort at the back of his throat.


What about Seohyun?

....what about her? Why did he suddenly thought of her? Why was he bringing her up in this situation? Was he using her as a distraction from Yoona? How the tables have turned.

"— a cafe nearby, do you want to pass time there?"

Jimin blinked and looked back at the girl he's with, who was already looking at him expectantly. He reluctantly gave a nod, failing to understand what she had just said and hoping his furtive nod was a correct response. He could only stare at her when she extended her hand out, warily glancing down at her open palm before back at her eyes, which were wide in disbelief and confusion mixed in one.

She breathed out before reaching out for his hand, letting her fingers wrapped around his wrist before turning around and walking towards her chosen destination. A loud thump on his chest was felt, before being followed by a series of ravaging and rhythmic beats that could be compared to a stampede. He eyed her hold on his hand, feeling a bit giddy as he tried to bite down an incoming smile of his. Cute, was all he thought of as he saw how slim and small her hands were compared to his.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒. 𝐩𝐣𝐦Where stories live. Discover now