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——— twenty-nine|semestral project ———

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——— twenty-nine|semestral project ———

"Where you off to again?"

Jimin exasperatedly sighed, making sure the caller from the other line heard it loud and clear. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, keeping his freezing fingers warm and free from the cold morning breeze. His upper body was wrapped in the comfort of his yellow flannel, underneath of it was a plain white top. A bucket hat was shielding his eyes from the blinding light of the hanging sign, the aroma of mixed caffeine and freshly-baked dough seeping through the closed glass doors of the cafe he stood upon. There were two bags slung over his shoulders; one for his camera's necessities, and another for his own necessities, weighing him down and urging him to take a seat, but the sudden phone call had him up and walk around the entrance.

Jungkook, who was the person who decided to call him at the crack of dawn, let out a grunt of dramatic pain, "hey! I heard that!"

"Good. I wanted you to." Jimin replied, continuing his pacing and almost bumping a rushing office worker. They almost hit their heads when they bowed down, but the rushing worker paid no attention to another accident and just left him alone. "I told you at least three times already! I'm leaving for the Art History project!"

The university was kind enough to proclaim a break week, considering it as a 'rejuvenating week' to keep the students stress-free and relaxed to ease their minds and bodies. Both Jimin and Yoona decided to use up the week on starting their project, so the former had to cancel his plans to focus on the tasks at hand; filming, and finding the answers to his never-ending questions about his building-up feelings.

"Aw, and here I thought we'll be able to have our annual amusement park visit after exams." Jimin could hear the pout in his tone of voice, but he disregarded it and just pondered on what he uttered. Confused, he lifted his free hand and placed his open palm on top of his hat, eyes squinting as if Jungkook could see him in the flesh. "I thought we all agreed to move it in a later date due to our schedules? Aren't Tae and Hyun in workshops? And you! Aren't you supposed to be attending that seminar you've been blabbering about?"

Jimin have the habit of jotting down the schedules of his friends in his little calendar, wanting to remind them in case they forgot, and make it as a memory that he'll look back to once his hair turned grey and his face wrinkled up in time. He wanted to have a good laugh if he ever go make a trip down to memory lane, wanted to go this was when Taehyung forgot his first day of audition! Or perhaps even, the day Seohyun won the Best Actress Award!

Jimin heard a mutter of a curse, before shuffling was heard. Chuckling a little, he spoke up, "let me guess. You forgot?"

"I forgot about that stupid seminar!" Jungkook then went back on chanting the swear over and over again, as if it'll stop the time from ticking forward and gift him the frozen minutes where he can prepare himself at ease. "I'll ring you later. I got to go."

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒. 𝐩𝐣𝐦Where stories live. Discover now