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——— fourteen|eye candy ———

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——— fourteen|eye candy ———

The two watched as the group dispersed, their own agendas in their minds. Yoongi, who was sulking because he cannot leave Seokjin to handle Jungkook and Taehyung alone, defeatedly waved his hands towards Yoona who gave him a sympathetic look. She knew how much he likes to buy his music equipments when given a chance. Perhaps this is the universe's way of stopping him from using up all his money. 'Cause boy, once he pulled out cash from his wallet, he will never stop.

Jimin got his eyes set on the other pair, Hoseok animately waving with a smile on his face, before it washed away in one wipe and replaced with words he could only read as "tell me", his hands motioning to of a phone. The younger gulped and nodded his head, averting his gaze from his terrifying friend and to the man who was chuckling at what was going on. Namjoon set his eyes on the 'couple' before giving them a huge thumbs up, a grin adoring his face that got his two dimples to make its appearance.

As their outlined figures turned smaller and smaller, Jimin gingerly glanced down at the quiet lady, a funny feeling settling on his stomach given how peaceful and quiet the surroundings suddenly become the moment his eyes landed on Yoona. Was she, perhaps, mad that he failed to deny the rumors that Jungkook only added flame to? Upset that a friend of hers saw something that was not done for intimacy? Saddened that the guy she liked believed the white lie he had created?

There were many options; all with different approaches. So he only stood there with extreme caution, quietly calling out her name. "Yoona?"

"He said he likes me," she only giggled out, but it soon died down as she continued, "well, like me for you, but nonetheless he still likes me."

He blinked. Once. Twice. "Who? Taehyung?"

"Who else," she sighed dreamily as she clasped her hands together, lifting it up and closer to her chest as she sway from side to side. A quiet voice scratched the back of his head, itching him to listen to whatever it was saying. But he wanted to ignore it, he wanted to deny it, he wanted to assure himself that whatever he felt when she happily talked about Taehyung for a few seconds was nothing close to the word he refused to be categorized at the moment.

I'm not jealous.

No, why would I be jealous? There's nothing to be jealous about. There's even nothing between us!

Though the happiness that was surging within the girl gave her an unexplainable glow, vibrant and rich standing out among the dull shades of blue and grey. The way faint dimples decorated her cheeks when the corner of her lips curled up— like a half moon lighting up the night sky with stars scattered around, twinkling and sparkling with the intention of illuminating the dark shadow that casted over the world.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒. 𝐩𝐣𝐦Where stories live. Discover now