Chapter Four - Will The Wise

Start from the beginning

You walk over from your breakfast to the now empty bowl, carrying it to the laundry room where his food was located. "Mewsieee! Breakfast time!" You call, the rather fat cat bursting through the door, jumping up onto the washing machine immediately.

You laugh, petting your cat on his head. He burst into purrs as you do, leaning into your touch. "I love you, buddy." You say, smiling down to your friend. He chitters in response, still chowing down on his meal.

When he was done, you scoop him up into your arms, him meowing in displeasure at your action. Once you were in your room, you plop him down onto your bed, and lay down next to him. He looks to you in annoyance, before settling down into the sheets.

You hug him close to you, stroking his back gently as he purrs at your embrace, his past displeasures forgotten in an instant. "I gotta go to school, I'll see you when I get home. Maybe we can read together then, now that todays not going to be crazy." You say, laughing to yourself at your actions. You give him a quick kiss on the head, before heading out of your room, grabbing your backpack on the way.

You see your brother waiting for you at the door. "Jesus, you get slower every day, it must be your old age getting to you." Dustin snarks. You gasp, putting your hand to your heart.

"Dustin! I am so very offended by your hurtful words!" You say dramatically, walking out with him. "I was saying goodbye to Mews, for your information, I haven't seen him in a while." He gives you a questioning eyebrow, taking the brake on his bike off.

You follow his lead, and head to school with him. But... Strangely, you had this horrible feeling well up in the pit of your stomach...

The feeling that you should be staying home today.


"Hey, you've just reached the Byers. We're sorry." You sigh, hanging up the phone before the voice box can finish its message. This was the third attempt at trying to get a hold of Joyce. You wanted to know where the hell Jonathan was, as well as to see if Will was feeling well while you were at it.

Both Nancy and Jonathan had disappeared from classes without saying a word. At least when you were gone yesterday you had said something. Now you were stuck by yourself, bored out of your mind.

You groan, absolutely hating life at the moment. You had nothing to do, as it was free period and you had no work to catch up on. If there was one thing you absolutely hated, it was being bored. Especially in school. So, not having anything better to do, you set off to try and find Steve, because you had no friends.

I can't believe I'm actively seeking him out. You think to yourself, heading towards the gym because where else would he be? You enter through the double doors, catching a good glimpse of the basketball team having a scrimmage. The smell of sweat and sound of shoes squeaking catch your nose and ears.

Just as you start to think that this was a bad idea, you catch the man you were looking for on the court, sweat dripping down the side of his face and hair, eyes filled to the brim with concentration. You also catch a man that you didn't particularly want to see, Billy.

You head over to the bleachers sat up on either side of the court, you knew the basics when it came to basketball, but you weren't crazy about it. You were only here because you had nothing better to do.

You draw your eyes to the competitive game going down, analyzing the situation with careful eyes. It seemed like Billy was trying to get into the head of Steve, which in thought was a good idea, but you knew the tactic it wouldn't work on him. He was smarter than that.

Billy starts talking more smack to him, sneakily putting his foot out and tripping him. Never mind then. You think to yourself. You look over to the coach, hoping that he got penalized for that obvious foul. But he didn't.

Fly Me To The Moon (steve harrington x reader) (Under Hiatus, to be updated soonWhere stories live. Discover now